Honoring Lorry Lokey

The Technion mourns the passing of Lorry I. Lokey

Lorry I. Lokey

Lorry I. Lokey

The Technion mourns the loss of our good friend and most generous supporter – Lorry Lokey of Atherton, California, USA.

Lorry was a visionary philanthropist who insisted his donations become game changers. In the Technion, he supported, single handedly, the establishment of the Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences and Engineering, strongly believing that only the merging of basic scientific discoveries with the ability to apply them technologically – will benefit human kind. The Center, which was launched in 2006 under the directorship of Aaron Ciechanover, the 2004 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, transformed profoundly biomedical research in the Technion and served as an example for other universities in Israel.

Lorry was committed to the State of Israel, and wanted to see her flourishing as a center of knowledge in this area of the world. He strongly believed that the road to achieve this goal traverses the combination of high education and interdisciplinary research. For his generous donation, he became a life member of the Board of Governors of the Technion and the university bestowed upon him an Honorary Doctorate. The entire Technion family extends its heartful condolences to Mr. Lokey’s daughters – Basya Lokey, Miriam Khaka, and Ann Lokey – and to the entire family.

L-R: Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig, then President of the Technion; Lorry Lokey; Prof. Aaron Ciechanover

L-R: Prof. Yitzhak Apeloig, then President of the Technion; Lorry Lokey; Prof. Aaron Ciechanover