Technion Update

Wednesday, October 25, 2023, at 19:00


Based on our most recent situational assessment, and in compliance with evolving guidelines from the Home Front Command, the Technion administration has decided on the following course of action:

  • With the broader education system in Haifa and nearby towns resuming normal operations, the Technion campuses in Haifa will also begin to transition back to a full schedule. Starting tomorrow, Thursday, October 26, 2023, campus activities will recommence to the extent that is possible. Managers will have the discretion to permit remote work options for staff, all in accordance with Home Front Command directives.
  • Assuming the current Home Front Command guidelines persist, plans should be made for a full return to campus starting next week, Sunday, October 29, 2023. Remote work alternatives will be at the discretion of managers for exceptional cases.
  • Day care services for the children of staff members will be available tomorrow, Thursday, for the last time and will not continue next week.
  • In collaboration with Naamat, kindergarten centers on campus will resume full operations starting Sunday, October 29, 2023, adhering to Home Front Command instructions. Parents have been individually notified by the kindergarten administration.
  • Supporting Our Reservists: In line with the joint statement from the heads of research universities, the 2023-2024 academic year at the Technion will commence in tandem with the commencement of reservist discharges, but no earlier than December 3, 2023. An initial notification about the updated start date will be released at least two weeks prior to the beginning of teaching. During this transition, our focus will be on integrating both new and returning students, addressing academic deficiencies, and updating course materials. Moreover, the Technion will continue to provide support for students serving in the reserves, including waiving dormitory rent for October and offering financial and personal assistance to reservists and their spouses.
  • A separate announcement regarding the second-term exams for the 2022-2023 Spring and Summer semesters, as well as accommodations, will be forthcoming.
  • Registration for the Winter Semester 2023 has been extended to November 23, 2023.
  • Enrolment for the Spring Semester 2024 will open on December 3, 2023.