Update message from the Technion

Saturday, Oct 28, 18:40


After assessing the situation in the early evening and considering the intensification of the fighting in the south and the tension on the northern border, the Technion management decided to postpone the return to full routine for the time being and to maintain the format in which we have operated in recent weeks. Following are the guidelines for tomorrow, Sunday, October 29, 2023, subject to Home Front Command guidelines:

  • The activity at the Technion campuses in Haifa will take place tomorrow on campus as much as possible, while providing flexibility to managers regarding remote work. Deans, department managers, supervisors and principal investigators are asked to maintain contact with members of the academic and administrative staff, graduate students, and research teams, and to show flexibility in the possibility of remote work. Special attention will be given to parents of small and school-age children and spouses of faculty and students recruited to the reserves.
  • In coordination with Naamat, the daycare centers on campus will operate tomorrow in a limited format,  while ensuring solutions for all children. Individual notices will be given to the parents by the daycare management.