The Harvey Prize, the most prestigious award bestowed by Technion, will be given this year in two fields: to three scientists who led the development of CRISPR-Cas9 technology, a breakthrough in genetic modification: Profs. Emmanuelle Charpentier, Jennifer Doudna, and Feng Zhang; and to Prof. Christos H. Papadimitriou for his contribution to computer science.

PROF. EMMANUELLE CHARPENTIER is an expert in regulatory mechanisms that direct pathogenesis and defense of bacteria causing diseases in humans. Following a research career in France, the United States, Austria and Sweden, Charpentier was recruited in 2013 by the Helmholz Association in Germany. In 2015, she was appointed Director at the Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology in Berlin and in 2018, she founded an independent research institute, the Max Planck Unit for the Science of Pathogens. Since 2016, she has been an honorary professor at Humboldt University in Berlin.

PROF. JENNIFER DOUDNA is a professor in the Departments of Chemistry and Molecular and Cell Biology at UC Berkeley and is the Li Ka Shing Chancellor’s Chair. Doudna is also the Executive Director of the Innovative Genomics Institute, an investigator with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute since 1997, and a senior investigator at the Gladstone Institutes since 2018.

is a molecular biologist and bioengineer. Prof. Zhang is a core institute member at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, an investigator at the McGovern Institute for Brain Research at MIT, as well as the James and Patricia Poitras Professor of Neuroscience at MIT. He is also an investigator at the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.

Long before the breakthrough of CRISPR gene-editing, Profs. Charpentier and Doudna studied bacterial defense systems, each in her own lab. Prof.



Charpentier and Prof. Doudna met for the first time in March 2011, and shortly after they published their landmark article in Science, describing how the bacterial protein Cas9 can identify targets in the DNA, and demonstrating how it can be easily programmed to edit a broad range of DNA targets (Jinek et al., Science, 2012). Independently and in parallel, Prof. Zhang first learned about the CRISPR-Cas9 system as an RNA-guided DNA scissors in bacteria in February, 2011. In January 2013, Prof. Zhang and his team published a landmark paper in Science (Cong et al., Science 2013) describing the successful engineering of CRISPR-Cas9 as a genome editing technology in higher organisms and for harnessing the CRISPR-Cas9 system as an RNA-programmable system for use in eukaryotic cells.

These groundbreaking findings revolutionized the field of life sciences, allowing us to edit, correct and rewrite DNA. In the future, the CRISPR breakthrough is expected to lead to the development of innovative treatments for disease and aging.

For their roles in the discovery and the development of CRISPR-Cas9 as a “molecular scissors”, Drs. Charpentier, Doudna, and Zhang have shared a number of awards including the prestigious Canada Gairdner International Award (2016), the Tang Prize (2016), and the Albany Medical Center Prize (2017). In addition, Drs. Charpentier and Doudna were awarded the prestigious Breakthrough Prize in Life Sciences (2015).

PROF. CHRISTOS H. PAPADIMITRIOU is considered the father of algorithmic game theory. He has taught at Harvard, MIT, the National Technical University of Athens, Stanford, UC San Diego, UC Berkeley and is currently the Donovan Family Professor of Computer Science at Columbia University. He is one of the leading scientists in the



theory of computer science, and is best known for his work in computational complexity. In this context he defined levels of complexity that characterize important computational phenomena and paradigmatic problems in a variety of fields.

He has also contributed significantly to what he calls an “algorithmic lens” that is relevant to many fields, including biology and evolution, economics and game theory, artificial intelligence, robotics, networks and the Internet. Prof. Papadimitriou is a Gödel Prize winner (2012).



The Harvey Prize, established in 1971 by Leo M. Harvey of Los Angeles, is awarded annually at Technion for exceptional achievements in science, technology, and human health, and for outstanding contributions to peace in the Middle East, to society and to the economy.



Leo M. Harvey (1887-1973) was an industrialist and inventor. He was an ardent friend and supporter of Technion and the State of Israel.

Over the years, more than a quarter of Harvey laureates have subsequently won the Nobel Prize.

The award ceremony will take place in November 2019 at Technion.



My parents immigrated to Palestine from Poland in 1936. They were both 18 and met on the train to Constanta where they took a boat to Haifa. A few years earlier, the Nazis had come to power in Germany, winds of war blew through the continent and universities all over Europe were closing their gates to Jews. Coming from Zionist families, they chose Technion, a young technical school that opened its gates right here with 16 students only 12 years earlier.

Led by a handful of visionaries at the turn of the 20th century, the Technion has turned into a world-class research university. Few institutions, if any, have played such a pivotal role in the fate of a nation. From building roads and bridges, aircrafts and satellites to new technologies for healthcare, computers, security, and energy; wherever you look you can find a Technion fingerprint.

Today, the Technion is uniquely positioned to face the tremendous challenges lying ahead. The grand challenges of the 21st century – human health, energy, sustainability, advanced manufacturing and education require a multifaceted approach. We will restructure the Technion and expand our network of multidisciplinary research centers, to address these global challenges.

Education is undergoing a revolution and the Technion is reinventing itself in a world where there is an exponential growth of data and free access to knowledge. We will develop new teaching methodologies to train the scientific and technological leaders of the 21st century, and we will provide them with life-long education for a dynamic world. We will equip our students with leadership skills in entrepreneurship, ethics, and multi-culturalism.

Global industry is changing rapidly as it increasingly invests in its own advanced research programs. Universities are losing their traditional monopoly over basic research and simultaneously, society expects them to address real-life challenges. We will recruit many more affiliated faculty and mentors from industry, while streamlining technology transfer from Technion to society. We will create a new academia-industry eco-system.

These are all substantial challenges, but the role of academia goes beyond that. Technion will continue to serve as a beacon for pluralism, freedom of speech, integrity, social justice, and environmental consciousness – values that are constantly challenged across the globe. These values and the pursuit of truth are the breath of academic life and must be safeguarded.

I am deeply honored to serve today as the Technion’s 17th President. I humbly acknowledge the gravity of the mission lying ahead. I promise to do the utmost to lead this remarkable institution and take it to even greater heights as we approach the centennial since it opened its gates. As you may imagine, this is the closure of a personal journey for me; a journey that started 83 years ago with a girl and a boy aboard a ship approaching the port of Haifa.

Technion President Prof. Uri Sivan, who took office today: “Universities will have to reinvent themselves.”

Yesterday evening (26/09), the presidential inauguration ceremony took place at Technion. Prof. Uri Sivan took office as 17th president of Technion. He succeeds Prof. Peretz Lavie, who is ending a 10-year term in office.

The ceremony was held in the presence of Education Minister Rabbi Rafi Peretz; Haifa Mayor Dr. Einat Kalisch-Rotem; Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, Distinguished Prof. Aaron Ciechanover; Board of Governors Chair Scott Leemaster; Technion Council Chair Gideon Frank; former Technion presidents; management; and faculty members.

In his remarks, Prof. Sivan spoke about his parents, who immigrated to Israel from Poland in 1936 to study at Technion after universities all over Europe closed their doors to Jews. He said that his appointment as president closes a personal circle for him. He continued, “The Technion today is stronger than ever, and we must leverage this to implement far-reaching reforms in our research structure, curricula, teaching methodologies, and collaboration with industry. The great challenges of the 21st century – human health, energy, environment, sustainability, advanced manufacturing, and education – require a multifaceted approach. Our success will be measured by our ability to create the necessary synergy to meet the challenges facing humanity. Education will change dramatically. All knowledge is at our fingertips, and universities will have to reinvent themselves in a world where information is accessible to all and updated exponentially.” He added, “The universal values of equality, pluralism, tolerance, freedom of speech, integrity, and the pursuit of truth, which are constantly challenged around the globe, are the breath of academic life and should be defended.”

Education Minister Rabbi Rafi Peretz said at the ceremony, ” I wish to thank the people of the Technion for all that they have done for the State of Israel. Our future is dependent on research and development in the exact sciences, technology, medicine, and architecture. You are the engine that drives all of this. Especially in these days of uncertainty, it is tremendously important to have islands of stability, excellence and continuity like the Technion.

Outgoing Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie said, “I set myself three main goals when I entered office: massive recruitment of outstanding young faculty, dramatic improvement in the quality of teaching and attitude towards students, and turning the Technion into a global university. In the global context, we have expanded the Technion’s influence, and there is no doubt that the highlights were the establishment of the two new campuses in China and New York. In terms of improvement of teaching, the Technion has jumped from last place to first place among Israeli universities in student satisfaction. We also had tremendous success in recruiting new faculty members: Some 270 new faculty members joined the Technion ranks over the past decade, and they have made Technion younger and even more excellent. This is evident in the quantity and quality of scientific articles, research grants and prestigious awards.”

Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, Distinguished Prof. Aaron Ciechanover said that, “The Technion may not be the best university in the world, but it is the institution to which the State of Israel owes its very existence. The Technion is responsible for the two most important pillars on which the state stands: security and economy. The Technion must continue to lead in science and technology while also addressing the ethical aspects, since there is no technological invention without ethical consequences.”

Haifa Mayor Dr. Einat Kalisch-Rotem thanked Prof. Lavie for his work on behalf of the city of Haifa and its residents and presented him with a certificate of appreciation which reads: “In appreciation of your exceptional and longstanding activity in promoting Technion as the leading institution in its field in Israel and in the world.”

Prof. Sivan, 64, a resident of Haifa, is married and the father of three, and served as a pilot in the Israeli Air Force. In 1991 he joined the Faculty of Physics at Technion and is holder of the Bertoldo Badler Chair. His research over the years has covered a wide range of fields including quantum mesoscopic physics and the harnessing of molecular and cellular biology for the self-assembly of miniature electronic devices. Prof. Sivan has held a number of leadership positions both at Technion and on the national level.  He is the founding director of the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Research Institute (RBNI), which he headed between 2005 and 2010. More recently Prof. Sivan headed the National Advisory Committee for Quantum Science and Technology.


Breakthrough at the Technion: Researchers have developed an inexpensive, environmentally friendly and safe hydrogen production technology.

The E-TAC water-splitting technology facilitates an unprecedented energetic efficiency of 98.7% in the production of hydrogen from water and has other key advantages over water electrolysis. A startup company, H2Pro, was founded based on this development and is working on its commercialization.

Group photo (L-R) : Dr. Hen Dotan , Avigail Landman , Prof. Avner Rothschild and Prof. Gideon Grader. Credit: Chen Galili, Technion Spokesperson Department

Group photo (L-R) : Dr. Hen Dotan , Avigail Landman , Prof. Avner Rothschild and Prof. Gideon Grader.
Credit: Chen Galili, Technion Spokesperson Department

Researchers at the Technion–Israel Institute of Technology have developed an innovative, clean, inexpensive, and safe technology for producing hydrogen. The technology significantly improves the efficiency of hydrogen production, from ~75% using current methods to an unprecedented 98.7% energy efficiency. The researchers’ finding were recently published in Nature Energy.

The Technion researchers developed a unique process based on a cyclic process in which the chemical makeup of the anode (the electrode where the oxidation process takes place) changes intermittently. In the first stage, the cathode (the electrode where the reduction takes place) produces hydrogen by reducing water molecules while the anode changes its chemical composition without producing oxygen. In the second stage, the cathode is passive while the anode produces oxygen by oxidizing water molecules. At the end of the second stage, the anode returns to its original state and the cycle begins again. This innovative process, called E-TAC water splitting (Electrochemical – Thermally-Activated Chemical water splitting), decouples the hydrogen and oxygen evolution reactions. Based on this technology, the researchers founded H2Pro, a startup company working on converting the technology to a commercial application. 

The research, part of the Nancy and Stephen Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP), was conducted by Professor Avner Rothschild of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and Professor Gideon Grader of the Faculty of Chemical Engineering, together with Dr. Hen Dotan and Avigail Landman, a doctoral student under the joint supervision of Prof. Grader and Prof. Rothschild.

"Water splitting" – illustration. In the ETAC process, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen in two separate steps at a high efficiency of 98.7%. (Credit: Tom Kariv)

“Water splitting” – illustration. In the ETAC process, water is split into hydrogen and oxygen in two separate steps at a high efficiency of 98.7%. (Credit: Tom Kariv)

Enormous amounts of hydrogen are produced annually worldwide: ~65 million tons valued at ~130 billion dollars, with a total energy of ~ 9 exajoules (EJ), the equivalent of ~2,600 teraWatts per hour (TWh). These amounts are constantly increasing and are expected to triple over the next 20 years. Hydrogen consumption is expected to reach 14 exajoules by 2030 and 28 exajoules by 2040.

About 53% of the hydrogen produced today is used to produce ammonia for fertilizers and other substances, 20% is used by refineries, 7% is used in methanol production and 20% serves other uses. In the future, hydrogen is expected to serve additional applications, some of which are in accelerated stages of development: hydrogen as fuel for fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEV), fuel for storing energy from renewable energy sources for grid balancing and power-to-gas (P2G) applications, industrial and home heating, and more.

About 99% of the hydrogen produced today originates in fossil fuels, mainly by extraction from natural gas (SMR).  This process releases ~10 tons of CO2 for every ton of hydrogen and that is responsible for ~2% of all anthropogenic CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. The presence of considerable amounts of CO2 in the atmosphere accelerates global warming. This explains the urgent need for cleaner and more environmentally friendly alternatives for hydrogen production.

Currently, the primary alternative for clean hydrogen production without CO2 emissions is water electrolysis. This process entails placing two electrodes, an anode and a cathode, in alkaline- or acid-enriched water to increase electrical conductivity. In response to passing an electrical current between the electrodes, the water molecules (H2O) are broken down into their chemical elements, such that hydrogen gas (H2) is produced near the cathode and oxygen (O2) is produced near the anode. The entire process takes place in a sealed cell divided into two compartments. Hydrogen is collected in one part and oxygen in the other.

Clean hydrogen production entails a series of technological challenges. One of these is the significant loss of energy. Today the energetic efficiency of electrolysis processes is only 75%, and this means high electricity consumption. Another difficulty is related to the membrane that divides the electrolytic cell into two. This membrane is essential for collecting the hydrogen on one side and the oxygen on the other, yet it limits the pressure in the electrolytic cell to 10-30 atmospheres, while most applications require hundreds of atmospheres of pressure. For example, fuel cell electric vehicles use compressed hydrogen at 700 atmospheres. Today this pressure is increased by means of large and expensive compressors that complicate operation and increase system installation and maintenance costs. In addition, the presence of the membrane complicates the assembly of the production apparatus, significantly raising its price. Moreover, the membrane requires periodic maintenance and replacement.

The E-TAC technology has several significant advantages over electrolysis:

  1. Absolute chronological separation between hydrogen production and oxygen production, with the two processes occurring at different times. Consequently:
    1. The membrane separating the anode from the cathode in the electrolytic cell is no longer necessary. This represents a substantial savings over electrolysis: the membrane is expensive, complicates the production process and requires high purity water and ongoing maintenance to prevent it from fouling.
    2. It eliminates the risk of a volatile encounter between oxygen and hydrogen. Such an encounter is liable to occur in ordinary electrolysis if the membrane ruptures or its seal is broken.
    3. Currently, the use of membranes limits the pressure in hydrogen production. The technology developed at the Technion renders the membrane unnecessary, thus facilitating hydrogen production under much higher pressure, thus eliminating some of the high costs of compressing the hydrogen later.
  2. In the new process, oxygen is produced via a spontaneous chemical reaction between the charged anode and the water, without using an electrical current at that point. This reaction eliminates the need for electricity during oxygen production and increases energetic efficiency from 75% using customary methods to an unprecedented 98.7% efficiency.
  3. The E-TAC technology is expected not only to lower operating costs but also equipment costs. H2Pro estimates that the cost of equipment to produce hydrogen using E-TAC will be about half the cost of equipment used in existing technologies.

Electrolysis was discovered more than 200 years ago and since then has undergone a cumulative series of individual improvements. Currently the Technion researchers are proposing a disruptive change in concept that they believe will lead to less expensive, clean and safe hydrogen production. They also believe the new process is likely to generate a revolution in hydrogen production based upon clean and renewable energy such as solar energy or wind power. 

Initial assessments indicate that it will be possible to produce hydrogen on industrial scales at competitive production costs compared to production from natural gas via SMR and, as noted, without emitting CO2 into the atmosphere.

The developers of the technology—Prof. Gideon Grader, Prof. Avner Rothschild and Dr. Hen Dotan—joined together with the founders of the Viber company to establish H2Pro, a company working on commercializing this new technology. Located in the Caesarea Industrial Park, the company was given an exclusive license by the Technion to commercialize the product and to date has raised ~$5 million in a campaign led by Hyundai. H2Pro has more than 20 employees, most of them Technion graduates.

The research is supported by the Nancy and Stephen Grand Technion Energy Program (GTEP), the Ed Satell gift for Nitrogen-Hydrogen Alternative Fuels (NHAF), the Adelis Foundation, the Ministry of Energy, and the European Commission (EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme).

For the full article in Nature Energy click here 

Link to H2Pro website:

Technion scientists have succeeded in inhibiting the protective mechanism of Salmonella bacteria by using substances originally developed to treat Alzheimer’s disease

They intend to continue this research direction toward developing innovative treatments that will neutralize virulent antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Associate Professor Meytal Landau (on the left) and Doctoral student Nir Salinas.

Researchers from the Technion Faculty of Biology were able to inhibit biofilm formation in Salmonella bacteria. Biofilm, a resistant layer of microorganisms that form on and coat various surfaces, constitutes a serious medical and environmental problem because it protects bacteria and enables them to attach to tissues, medical devices, pipes and more. The discovery made by Associate Professor Meytal Landau, doctoral student Nir Salinas, and the laboratory research team is expected to lead to the development of innovative treatments that will inhibit the antibiotic resistance of virulent bacteria. 

In 2017, Prof. Landau’s research team published an article in Science describing new discoveries about Staphylococcus aureus—an especially virulent bacterium that has become resistant to many types of antibiotics and that is responsible for a considerable number of infections in hospitals and in the community. The researchers discovered that this bacterium, which attacks the organism’s T-cells of the immune systems, does so in part by means of secreting certain fibrils. These toxic fibrils resemble amyloids, proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, but differ from them structurally. In an article published in Nature Communication in 2018, Nir Salinas and his colleagues on the research team revealed their discovery that proteins from the same family as the toxic fibrils produce exceptionally stable amyloid structures that can survive under extremely difficult conditions and protect the bacteria. Prof. Landau expressed the hope that these discoveries will lead to new treatments that will impair the fibrils and significantly diminish the aggressively virulent infections caused by Staphylococcus aureus.

In a recent study in PLoS Pathogens, the Technion researchers suggested that by interfering with amyloid fibrils produced by E. coli and Salmonella, bacteria often linked with contaminated water or food, they can hamper the bacteria’s defense mechanisms and their ability to attach to tissues and medical devices. This is accomplished by repurposing substances that have already undergone clinical trials for treating Alzheimer’s. The major advantage of this repurposing is that the approval process is much shorter and less expensive than in the case of a new compound.

The substances tested on Salmonella bacteria do not harm the bacteria directly. Instead, they damage the biofilm, the resilient layer that protects bacteria from substances that pose a danger to them, including antibiotic drugs. The researchers estimate that this approach of impairing the biofilm will reduce the risk of developing resistance compared to antibiotics that kill the bacteria and thereby induce defense mechanisms against the drug, making the bacteria more resilient and virulent.

The research examined the possibility of damaging Salmonella and E. coli bacteria found in contaminated food. Nevertheless, the researchers hope their discovery will also be effective in battling other bacteria, including Staphylococcus aureus. In his ongoing doctoral research, Mr. Salinas will focus on developing stable antibacterial substances and on examining small molecules that will interfere with the in-vitro assembly of amyloids in bacteria. He hopes these developments will accelerate the crucial battle against the development of virulent strains of antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

The research is being carried out in collaboration with the Institute for Complex Systems in Jülich and in Düsseldorf, Germany. The Technion Center for Structural Biology (TCSB), the Lorry Lokey Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences and Engineering, the Electron Microscopy Center, and the Center for Electron Microscopy of Soft Matter in the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) also provided assistance for this project.

Image – Left: Atomic structure of a segment from a protein that forms fibrils that structure the biofilm of E. coli and Salmonella bacteria. This structure is highly similar to that of the amyloid fibrils related to Alzheimer’s disease, and this structural similarity inspired the idea of harming the bacterial biofilm fibrils using substances developed to combat Alzheimer’s fibrils.

Associate Professor Landau joined the Technion faculty after completing post-doctoral studies at UCLA, where she specialized in X-ray micro-crystallography of amyloids associated with Alzheimer’s disease. In September 2012 she founded her laboratory in the Faculty of Biology at the Technion. 

Mr. Nir Salinas completed his bachelor’s degree in molecular biochemistry in the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry at the Technion. Today he is following a direct program to a doctoral degree in the Faculty of Biology.

For the article in PLoS Pathogens click here

New technology developed at the Technion is expected to improve personalized care in cancer treatment

The original scan (left) and the areas where information was extracted (in red and green, right) using the technology developed at the Technion
Credit: Technion Spokesperson Department

Technion researchers have developed a deep learning-based method for mapping critical receptors on cancer cells. Using digital images of biopsies taken from breast cancer patients, the new technology is expected to significantly improve personalized cancer treatments. Published in the prestigious JAMA journal, the research was conducted by doctoral students Gil Shamai and Ron Slossberg and Professor Ron Kimmel of the Technion Faculty of Computer Science, in collaboration with Dr. Yoav Binenbaum of Ichilov Hospital and Professor Ziv Gil of Rambam Medical Center.

Prof. Ron Kimmel

The technology extracts molecular information from biopsy images that underwent hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining. H&E is a common dye used to test tissue taken in a biopsy. The staining allows the pathologist to identify the type of cancer and its severity in the tissue under the microscope. But staining alone does not allow the identification of characteristics that are crucial in determining the appropriate treatment. These include the molecular profile of the tumor, its biological pathways, the genetic code of the cancer cells, and the common receptors on the cell membrane. The mapping of receptors on the cell membrane is particularly relevant to personalized medicine, since it enables matching cancer patients with the treatment that will block the receptors and inhibit the development of the tumor.

The Technion researchers’ conceptual innovation is in extracting molecular information from the cell shape and the environment (the morphology of the tissue) as reflected in the H&E scans. According to Mr. Shamai and Prof. Kimmel, “Pathologists we spoke to said it was an impossible task. A human pathologist cannot infer the tumor features from its shape because of the sheer number of variables. The good news is that artificial intelligence technologies, and especially deep learning, are capable of doing so. The computer, unlike even the most skilled pathologist, can characterize the cancer with a complex analysis of its morphology.”

Doctoral Student Gil Shamai

With the help of image processing and artificial intelligence tools, the researchers showed, for the first time, the ability to predict the molecular profile of cells from tumor morphology, that is, only from looking at the tissue as it appears on standard H&E scans.

“We succeeded in identifying the ‘signature’ that the cancer leaves in the tissue,” Mr. Shamai explains. “It’s a morphological signature (formative) that, through our technology, we are able to glean essential information. It is important to note that deep learning systems require a huge amount of information and obtaining the kind of information required is not easy. To that end, we have written software code to scan network sources and automatically download thousands of biopsy samples and the relevant medical information approved for research.”

The study examined more than 20,000 scans from 5,356 breast cancer patients. Using the new technology, the researchers were able to map estrogen and progesterone receptors, among other molecular biomarkers, from the scans alone and based on cell morphology. The study focused on breast cancer, but the researchers make it clear that this is a feasibility study relevant to all cancers.

Doctoral Student Ron Slossberg

According to Prof. Kimmel, “We have succeeded in showing that cancer has a unique signature in tissue morphology and that computerized mapping of this morphology can give us tremendously relevant information on tumor characteristics. In the first phase, we believe it will be a tool to help doctors make decisions and will later be developed as a real clinical tool.”

The research was supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Science Foundation, the Lorry Lokey Interdisciplinary Center for Life Sciences and Engineering, and Schmidt Futures.

For the full article on JAMA click here.

Researchers at the Technion and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) present, as published in Nature Biotechnology, significant progress in storing information on DNA


פרופ' זהר יכיני

פרופ’ זהר יכיני

Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya have demonstrated a significant improvement in the efficiency of the process needed to store digital information in DNA.
In a paper published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, the group demonstrated storage of information in a density of more than 10 petabytes (one petabyte (PB) is one million gigabytes) in a single gram of DNA while significantly improving the writing process. To illustrate, this density, theoretically, allows for storing all the information stored on YouTube in a volume of a single teaspoon.

The study was led by research student Leon Anavy, a student in the Technion Faculty of Computer Science, under the guidance of Professor Zohar Yakhini of the Technion Faculty of Computer Science and the Efi Arazi School of Computer Science at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. The study was conducted in collaboration with Professor Roee Amit’s Synthetic Biology Laboratory at the Technion Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering.

The amount of digital information available to humanity has grown at a tremendous speed since IBM invented the hard disk in the 1950s. Storing this information has become a major challenge not only in the technological context but also with regards to economic and environmental aspects, as server farms – information warehouses that serve us all – are currently responsible for about 2% of global carbon emissions, a similar rate to the cumulative emission of global air traffic, and for about 3% of global electricity consumption, more than the electricity consumption of the entire UK. Against this backdrop, a new technological approach has developed over the last decade: information storage in DNA. This technology allows for significant minimization, longer-term (thousand-fold) retention of information, and zero energy and economic cost of maintenance.


Prof. Roee Amit

Prof. Roee Amit

The basic idea of encoding information on DNA is that the DNA molecule is a chain made up of links called nucleotides. The nucleotides are divided into four types marked with letters A, C, G and T. To store information on DNA, each binary sequence (consisting of the 0 and 1 symbols) must be translated into a sequence consisting of these letters. In the next step, in a process called synthesis, actual DNA molecules are produced representing these same sequences. To read the data, these DNA molecules are sequenced. DNA sequencing produces an output that represents the nucleotide sequence that makes up each molecule in the input. That output is then translated into a binary sequence that represents the original message that was coded. Modern technologies support the synthesis of many thousands of different nucleotide series in parallel.

The storage of information on DNA is a very complex technological challenge. In the field of information reading (sequencing), there has been tremendous progress driven by the genome revolution; for the writing of information, however, there are still significant technological difficulties and costs are heavier. This is the importance of the breakthrough achieved at the Technion and IDC Herzliya. It allows for: (1) increasing the number of letters used to encode the information (beyond the original 4 letters); (2) significantly reducing the number of synthesis rounds required to store information on DNA; (3) improving the error correction mechanism used.

Researchers at the Technion and at IDC Herzliya have increased the effective number of letters beyond the four building blocks in natural DNA, using new letters that are unique combinations of the original letters. The idea is similar to the formation of new colors using mixtures of base colors. Increasing the number of letters allows more information to be encoded in each letter in the sequence.
According to Prof. Yakhini, “The current synthesis and sequencing processes are inherently redundant, because each molecule is produced in large numbers1 and is read in multiple copies during sequencing. The method we developed leverages this redundancy to increase the effective number of letters well over the original four letters, making it possible for us to encode and write each unit of information in fewer cycles of synthesis.”


Research Student Leon Anavy

Research Student Leon Anavy

The team demonstrated a reduction of the number of synthesis rounds required per unit of information by 20%. They also showed that the number of synthesis rounds could be reduce in the future by 75% without significant development efforts. This means that the storage process will be faster and less expensive.

“In this work, we have implemented a DNA based storage system that encodes information with synthesis efficiency that is significantly better than the standard approach,” explained Prof. Amit. “The study included the actual implementation of the new coding technique for storing large-volume information on DNA molecules and reconstructing it for testing the process.” In fact, on one of the shelves in Prof. Amit’s lab at the Technion sits a small test tube containing about 10 nanograms (billionths of a gram) of DNA, encoding thousands of copies of a bilingual version of the Bible.

The research group has developed advanced error correction mechanisms to overcome errors that are an integral part of biological-physical processes, like the one used here. Part of the DNA sequence of the molecules that store the information, designed by Leon Anavy and Prof. Yakhini, is used for this error correction.
According to Leon Anavy, “thanks to the use of error-correction codes that are tailored to the unique encoding we created, we were able to perform highly efficient coding and to successfully recover the information. When working in a system consisting of millions of parts (molecules), even one-in-a-million events occur, which can disrupt the reading. Careful coding allowed us to overcome these problems.”

According to the researchers, “the technology we presented in the paper has the potential to streamline further processes in synthetic biology and biotechnology. We believe that in the coming years, we will see a significant increase in the use of synthetic DNA in research and industry.”

The synthetic DNA used by the researchers and designed by the group was produced by the Twist Bioscience, a California based company that also has offices in Tel Aviv. Sequencing was performed at the Technion’s Genome Center. The study was partly supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation. Leon Anavy is a fellow of the ADAMS fellowship program of the Israeli Science Academy. Dr. Orna Atar and research student Inbal Vaknin were also involved in the study.

For the full article in Nature Biotechnology click here

The research group. From right to left: Prof. Roee Amit, Inbal Vaknin, Leon Anavy, and Prof. Zohar Yakhini

The research group. From right to left: Prof. Roee Amit, Inbal Vaknin, Leon Anavy, and Prof. Zohar Yakhini



Researchers at the Technion have developed an innovative technology to purify wastewater tainted with formaldehyde

Toxic wastewater is produced mainly manufacturing processes of adhesives, but also in the wood, paper and textile industries. The removal of formaldehyde from water is essential to prevent contamination of groundwater and soil.


Researchers at the Technion have developed an innovative, patented technology to purify water from the pollutant formaldehyde. The research was led by Dr. Adi Radian and Ph.D. student Yael Zvulunov of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, in collaboration with Prof. Ayelet Fishman and Dr. Zohar Ben-Barak Zelas of the Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering. The team’s findings were recently published in the Chemical Engineering Journal.

Dr. Adi Radian

Formaldehyde, whose chemical formula is CH2O, is a carcinogenic substance that can penetrate our bodies through breathing, eating, and drinking. It is considered to be one of the most problematic indoor pollutants.

The present study deals with the remediation of formaldehyde-polluted water from industrial processes. Formaldehyde is used in the production of glue and is therefore very common in the wood, paper, and textile industries, where it accumulates in the water used for production. The discharge of these wastewaters into the environment is, of course, prohibited, so great efforts are taken to safely dispose of them. Since removing it from water is very expensive, some companies simply keep the contaminated water in barrels, waiting for the day that a satisfactory solution is discovered.

The research team’s development is based on Montmorillonite clay, a natural mineral characterized by a very large surface area. One gram of this clay has a surface area of about 760 square meters. This feature gives the clay a rare adsorption capacity. The patent developed by the Technion is based on processing the clay in a manner that increases the adsorption of formaldehyde.

The other major component in the new technology is a formaldehyde-degrading bacterium. Such bacteria have evolved in the Negev after many years of formaldehyde use for soil disinfection. This use has led to the development of formaldehyde-resistant bacteria, which are able to decompose the dangerous compound. To solve the problem of resilience, Negev farmers were assisted by Prof. Ayelet Fishman, who harnessed the bacteria in question for the present study. Ironically, the resilience that was damaging to farmers aided the development of new technology at the Technion.

The researchers, however, had to overcome a difficult technical problem: a large amount of formaldehyde in the industrial wastewater kills the bacteria immediately. Therefore, a protective system was needed for bacteria to survive and decompose the dangerous material.

The material developed by the Technion researchers is based on montmorillonite clay that has been modified using a polymer that changed the overall negative charge to positive. With this modification, the clay absorbs the formaldehyde and reduces its concentration. Bacteria that break down the substance are pre-attached to the material. After each cycle of formaldehyde decomposition, the material cleans itself for another round. According to Dr. Radian, the development may also be relevant for other uses, such as adsorption and degradation of pesticides that threaten to contaminate groundwater.

The study was supported by the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute (RBNI) at the Technion and the Israeli Ministry of Science and Technology.

Dr. Adi Radian, head of the Environmental and Soil Chemistry Laboratory at the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, completed her Ph.D. at the Faculty of Agriculture at the Hebrew University, where she studied the use of modified clays to increase the adsorption of organic pollutants. She went on to complete a post-doctorate at the University of Minnesota, where she developed a gel that attracts and affixes bacteria that break down pollutants like fuel and pesticides. In July 2016, Dr. Radian returned to Israel and joined the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Technion.

Ph.D. student Yael Zvulunov

All of YouTube in One Teaspoon: Storing Information in DNA

Researchers at the Technion and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) present, as published in Nature Biotechnology, significant progress in storing information on DNA

The research group. From right to left: Prof. Roee Amit, Inbal Vaknin, Leon Anavy, and Prof. Zohar Yakhini
Credit: Rami Shlush, Technion Spokesperson Department

Researchers at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology in Haifa and the Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya have demonstrated a significant improvement in the efficiency of the process needed to store digital information in DNA.

In a paper published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, the group demonstrated storage of information in a density of more than 10 petabytes (one petabyte (PB) is one million gigabytes) in a single gram of DNA while significantly improving the writing process. To illustrate, this density, theoretically, allows for storing all the information stored on YouTube in a volume of a single teaspoon.

The study was led by research student Leon Anavy, a student in the Technion Faculty of Computer Science, under the guidance of Professor Zohar Yakhini of the Technion Faculty of Computer Science and the Efi Arazi School of Computer Science at the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya. The study was conducted in collaboration with Professor Roee Amit’s Synthetic Biology Laboratory at the Technion Faculty of Biotechnology and Food Engineering.

The amount of digital information available to humanity has grown at a tremendous speed since IBM invented the hard disk in the 1950s. Storing this information has become a major challenge not only in the technological context but also with regards to economic and environmental aspects, as server farms – information warehouses that serve us all – are currently responsible for about 2% of global carbon emissions, a similar rate to the cumulative emission of global air traffic, and for about 3% of global electricity consumption, more than the electricity consumption of the entire UK. Against this backdrop, a new technological approach has developed over the last decade: information storage in DNA. This technology allows for significant minimization, longer-term (thousand-fold) retention of information, and zero energy and economic cost of maintenance.

The basic idea of encoding information on DNA is that the DNA molecule is a chain made up of links called nucleotides. The nucleotides are divided into four types marked with letters A, C, G and T. To store information on DNA, each binary sequence (consisting of the 0 and 1 symbols) must be translated into a sequence consisting of these letters. In the next step, in a process called synthesis, actual DNA molecules are produced representing these same sequences. To read the data, these DNA molecules are sequenced. DNA sequencing produces an output that represents the nucleotide sequence that makes up each molecule in the input. That output is then translated into a binary sequence that represents the original message that was coded. Modern technologies support the synthesis of many thousands of different nucleotide series in parallel.

The storage of information on DNA is a very complex technological challenge. In the field of information reading (sequencing), there has been tremendous progress driven by the genome revolution; for the writing of information, however, there are still significant technological difficulties and costs are heavier. This is the importance of the breakthrough achieved at the Technion and IDC Herzliya.

It allows for: (1) increasing the number of letters used to encode the information (beyond the original 4 letters); (2) significantly reducing the number of synthesis rounds required to store information on DNA; (3) improving the error correction mechanism used.

Researchers at the Technion and at IDC Herzliya have increased the effective number of letters beyond the four building blocks in natural DNA, using new letters that are unique combinations of the original letters. The idea is similar to the formation of new colors using mixtures of base colors. Increasing the number of letters allows more information to be encoded in each letter in the sequence.

According to Prof. Yakhini, “The current synthesis and sequencing processes are inherently redundant because each molecule is produced in large numbers1 and is read in multiple copies during sequencing. The method we developed leverages this redundancy to increase the effective number of letters well over the original four letters, making it possible for us to encode and write each unit of information in fewer cycles of synthesis.”

The team demonstrated a reduction of the number of synthesis rounds required per unit of information by 20%. They also showed that the number of synthesis rounds could be reduced in the future by 75% without significant development efforts. This means that the storage process will be faster and less expensive.

“In this work, we have implemented a DNA based storage system that encodes information with synthesis efficiency that is significantly better than the standard approach,” explained Prof. Amit. “The study included the actual implementation of the new coding technique for storing large-volume information on DNA molecules and reconstructing it for testing the process.” In fact, on one of the shelves in Prof. Amit’s lab at the Technion sits a small test tube containing about 10 nanograms (billionths of a gram) of DNA, encoding thousands of copies of a bilingual version of the Bible.

The research group has developed advanced error correction mechanisms to overcome errors that are an integral part of biological-physical processes, like the one used here. Part of the DNA sequence of the molecules that store the information, designed by Leon Anavy and Prof. Yakhini, is used for this error correction.

According to Leon Anavy, “thanks to the use of error-correction codes that are tailored to the unique encoding we created, we were able to perform highly efficient coding and to successfully recover the information. When working in a system consisting of millions of parts (molecules), even one-in-a-million events occur, which can disrupt the reading. Careful coding allowed us to overcome these problems.” 

According to the researchers, “the technology we presented in the paper has the potential to streamline further processes in synthetic biology and biotechnology. We believe that in the coming years, we will see a significant increase in the use of synthetic DNA in research and industry.”

The synthetic DNA used by the researchers and designed by the group was produced by the Twist Bioscience, a California based company that also has offices in Tel Aviv. Sequencing was performed at the Technion’s Genome Center. The study was partly supported by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Framework Program for Research and Innovation. Leon Anavy is a fellow of the ADAMS fellowship program of the Israeli Science Academy. Dr. Orna Atar and research student Inbal Vaknin were also involved in the study.

For the full article in Nature Biotechnology click here 

Invitation to the Media

TCE Conference 2019 on Autonomous Systems

September 11th, 2019

With the participation of world experts and representatives from Ford, Audi, and Elbit

This coming Wednesday, September 11, 2019 the TCE Conference on the subject of autonomous systems will be held at the Technion in Haifa. The conference will address an array of topics within the field of autonomous systems on land and in the air, including cars, drones, and more. The conference is led by two Technion faculty: Prof. Alex Bronstein of the Faculty of Computer Science and Prof. Guy Gilboa from the Viterbi Faculty of Electrical Engineering.

The conference will cover issues around the movement of autonomous systems in unfamiliar environments. This includes such topics as sensors, location and navigation. Prof. Daniel Cremers from the Technical University in Munich will present computer vision technologies that are essential to autonomous movement. Prof. Shie Mannor of the Technion, will introduce the learning process for autonomous systems. Prof Manor leads a new division at Ford which is developing the decision-making system for the company’s future autonomous vehicles. Prof. Vadim Indelman from the Technion, an expert in autonomous sensors and the navigation of robots and robot groups, will lecture on autonomous perception and navigation under conditions of uncertainty. Prof. Dan Feldman from Haifa University will present mathematical tools for the navigation of a swarm of drones. Ohad Menashe from Audi will speak about sensory systems for formula cars. Yona Coscas, head of AI at Elbit, will present simulation tools for training autonomous agents.

“The field of autonomous systems is advancing rapidly, thanks in part to very close cooperation between academia and industry. The economic and technological capabilities of industry, together with the in-depth research that are only possible in academia, create a combination that accelerates development in the field, and in the upcoming conference we will also present this important connection,” says conference organizer Prof. Bronstein. “Artificial intelligence is entering every field of technology, but when it comes to vehicles and aircraft, we are very limited – we do not have the possibility to let the systems learn from failures and crashes. It’s not chess, where the computer can lose a million times before playing well. Therefore, in the context of autonomous systems, it is very important to develop simulation tools that will improve the system before it goes out into the field.”

According to Prof. Gilboa: “There are major technological challenges in building high-quality and reliable autonomous systems. Like the human senses, these systems also have ‘senses,’ relying on various cameras and sensors (optic, thermal, radar and more) to absorb information from the environment. Analyzing the vast amount of high-quality, real-time information is a major challenge, especially in small systems whose computing power is limited. Therefore, research collaboration between academia and industry will greatly contribute to furthering the issue in the country.”

Since autonomous vehicles are based on artificial intelligence, they raise significant questions in the araa of cybersecurity. This issue will be addressed by Dr. Guy Sagy from Karamba Security, which developed a technology to prevent cyber-attacks and hostile takeover of autonomous vehicles; and Yonatan Appel from Upstream Security, which has developed a cloud platform for protecting connected cars and autonomous vehicles.

For the full conference program:

The conference will be held on September 11 at 08:15-17:00 in the Taub Auditorium – Faculty of Computer Science Building.