Trailblazing Education

Prof. Yehudit Judy Dori of Technion – Israel Institute of Technology has been selected to receive the NARST 2020 Distinguished Contributions to Science Education through Research Award (DCRA). 

Prof. Yehudit Judy Dori

Prof. Dori has made many significant, lasting contributions to the field of science education. Her research on teaching, learning and curricula has impacted how science is taught in the K-12 and undergraduate settings. Coinciding with her well-regarded research on visualization, assessment, and metacognition, she has pioneered the field of science education through her work on many national and international committees. The hallmark of her academic contributions is her notable leadership, which has produced science education researchers and leaders and resulted in international connections that advance the field. Professor Dori’s dedication to improve science teaching and learning has made a global impact.

She served as the Dean of Continuing Education and External Studies and later as the  Dean of the Faculty of Education in Science and Technology at the Technion, Prof. Dori has also intermittently been a visiting professor and scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). 

Since 1928, NARST has promoted research in science education and the communication of knowledge generated by research. The ultimate goal of NARST is to help all learners achieve science literacy, encourage and support the application of diverse research methods and theoretical perspectives from multiple disciplines to the investigation of teaching and learning in science, and communicate science education research findings to researchers, practitioners, and policy makers.

Prof. Dori co-edited two books on cognition and metacognition in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, published numerous journal papers, and mentored about seventy graduate students.