Resolution of the Technion Senate and the Council

A legislative proposal to amend the Student Law of Rights is currently being debated. The proposal severely restricts freedom of expression for students and all citizens, denies the right to academic studies, and deprives individuals who express themselves in a manner that is not prohibited by law from holding an academic degree.

The proposed law seeks to transform academic institutions into an arm of law enforcement, obligating them to monitor students, investigate their activities, and impose academic penalties as a deterrent for expressing opinions and engaging in lawful actions unrelated to academia.

The Technion will not become an enforcement agency that pursues those who enter its gates. It will not impose academic sanctions as a means of criminal punishment beyond the scope of academic discipline, nor will it lend a hand to persecution. In accordance with its constitution and values, the gates of the Technion will remain open to everyone, without discrimination based on race, religion, nationality, gender, or political expression. This is how the Technion has operated since its establishment, this is how it operates now, and this is how it will continue to operate in the future.

The Technion Senate and the Technion Council reject the proposed law and call on the Israeli government, particularly the Minister of Education and the Knesset, to immediately terminate the legislative process.