Statement From the President

Dear Technion Family,

It has been six days since the onset of the war. With each passing day, the horror and the unimaginable cruelty of its perpetrators become more evident. Terrorists have brutally slaughtered babies, children, the elderly, women, and men, wiping out entire families.

The profound sorrow and anxiety regarding the fate of the captives and abductees weigh heavily on our hearts. Our thoughts are with our friends who have lost their loved ones or wait for any piece of information about their fate. We fervently hope for the swift return of all captives and abductees and the full recovery of the injured.

Many of our students, administrative staff, and academic colleagues have been called to active reserve service. Some are already engaged in the conflict, while others stand ready to support where needed. We stand in solidarity with their families, hoping for their safe return.

The unity that defines the Technion community shines brightly as students, administrative personnel, and academic staff rally to aid IDF soldiers and neighboring communities. This mutual support and generous assistance highlight the crucial role of community during crises. We welcome more volunteers and encourage anyone needing assistance to reach out via the Mutual Help Hotline. I also urge students to engage in the extensive support activities coordinated by the Technion Student Association.
Over the past week, we’ve been fortifying the Technion for potential wartime scenarios, especially considering the possibility of escalation in the north. We’ve activated shelters and safe spaces, mitigated various risks, bolstered our emergency response capabilities, and remain committed to enhancing the Technion’s overall readiness.

In these somber times, as we mourn and support one another, there sadly exist those who trivialize or even rejoice in the loss of life. I emphatically condemn such sentiments and assert that there is no place for them here. The Technion community will not tolerate any form of endorsement, even if indirectly, of acts of terrorism or those who advocate them. We will rigorously investigate any incidents of incitement, using every available means to maintain a hate-free environment for all.

Many of us are grappling with grief, anxiety, and concern for the future. These times challenge our resilience both as a nation and a community. I urge everyone to open their hearts to their community and to those whose lives have been tragically put on hold. Let’s remain vigilant to the needs of those around us and provide support wherever possible. In doing so, we not only aid them but also fortify our collective spirit to endure these challenging times.

Wishing for brighter days ahead,
Prof. Uri Sivan