Message from the Heads of the Research Universities

Given the state of the war and the high rate of students and faculty members currently serving in the reserves, the 2023-24 academic school year will not begin before December 24, 2023.

Israel’s research universities continue to stand strongly with those serving in the army, as well as their partners, and offer them and all Israelis assistance and support through a myriad of local and nationwide initiatives.

In order to support the community of students – which includes army reservists and their partners – as well as residents of the conflict zones who were evacuated from their homes, and families whose loved ones were murdered, kidnapped, or injured, the heads of the research universities have announced that the start of the academic year will be postponed until reservists start to be demobilized, and not earlier than December 24, 2023. The two weeks prior to the start date will be devoted to preparations and assistance with returning to a normal academic routine.

This message applies to the following seven research universities: The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Tel Aviv University, Bar-Ilan University, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa University, and Ariel University.

Different arrangements apply to the Weizmann Institute of Science and the Open University. Those institutions will communicate any relevant information directly to their students.

Following a request from the Ministry of Health, and in order to ensure continuity in Israel’s healthcare system, special arrangements will be made for medical students engaged in clinical studies.

Our goal is for the academic year to proceed as a complete year, with two full semesters. If necessary, the academic year will spill over into the summer. Specific decisions about the structure of the academic calendar will be made separately by each university.