Electron Microscopy School at Forschungszentrum Jülich (Jülich Research Center)

A special school on electron microscopy was held during the week of September 15-19 as part of the 41 year old Umbrella Collaboration between Technion, RWTH- Aachen and the Jülich research center.

16 Technion graduate students together with a similar number of German students from Aachen and Jülich research center participated in a series of lectures and seven different hands-on laboratory sessions. The lectures covered fundamental principles of electron microscopy, and applications in material science, life science and quantum physics. The experimental part introduced the students to some of the most advanced electron microscopy systems worldwide.  Social events for the students and staff were also included in the program. The Technion delegation was headed by Professor Gadi Eisenstein, director of RBNI. Two Technion faculty members, Professor Yeshayahu (Ishi) Talmon and Professor Ido Kaminer were among the lecturers. 

The school was a late follow up of a very successful RBNI winter school on the same topic held in 2018 in Kfar Bloom.