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Technion graduate Mooly Eden named as among CNN’s top 10 Technological visionaries in June 2012.

Shmuel (Mooly) Eden is vice president and general manager of the PC Client Group (PCCG). In this capacity, he is responsible for the platform planning, architecture, enabling and marketing of Intel’s PC solutions for the desktop and mobile computing segments.
Eden joined Intel in 1982. He held numerous technical and management positions in microprocessor design for several Intel microprocessors, including the Intel® Pentium® processor with MMX™ technology. From 1999 – 2003 Eden was director and general manager of the Israel Development Center. He was responsible for the development of the mobile microprocessors and chipsets, including Intel® Centrino® Processor Technology and the Intel® Pentium® M processor, formerly codenamed Banias.
In 2004 he served as vice president and director of marketing for the Mobile Platforms Group, responsible for driving growth in the notebook computing segment. In 2005 he was promoted to vice president and general manager of the Mobile Platforms Group, where he was responsible for ramping the notebook and later on the netbook categories. In 2009 he was promoted to the current position as the vice president and general manager of the PC client group.
Prior to joining Intel in 1982, Eden was an engineer for Tadiran Communication, Ltd. Eden received a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Technion Institute of Technology in Israel in 1973 and a senior business management degree from Jerusalem University. He taught as an adjunct senior lecturer at the MBA program of the Technion Institute of Technology from 1999 – 2002.


100 years of Technion history was celebrated at the 2012 Board of Governors meeting at Technion City with the festive dedication of the 234-page history book: Together: the Story of the Century on June 10th. The book was made possible by a gift of the Canadian Technion Society.
Featured on the cover is the legendary, Italian-born Prof. Luisa Bonfiglioli, who taught descriptive geometry to generation of Technion student, including 2011 Nobel Laureate Prof. Dan Shechtman.
For information about how to acquire a copy, contact Technion PARD.
Newly Created UNESCO Chair at Technion for Sustainable Engineering
Date: 13/06/2012
Prof. Mark Talesnick of the Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering is the incumbent of the newly established UNESCO Chair in Sustainable Engineering in Developing Communities.The specific objectives of this Chair are to develop undergraduate and graduate teaching programs in engineering for developing communities, in cooperation with partners;  carry out research on engineering for developing communities and disseminate results widely;  design, test and apply, jointly with partners, ground-level projects to test and further refine the concept of sustainable engineering; and,  provide short-term theoretical and practical training, as well as facilitate visiting professorships.

Talesnick reports that the University of Colorado and Kathmandu Universities are also involved and that he will be travelling to Ghana, Ethiopia and Batswana soon to enlist their collaboration as well.

Talesnick also spearheads Engineers Without Borders – Technion (EWB).

Currently, 739 UNESCO Chairs and 70 UNITWIN Networks in 134 countries provide an innovative modality for international academic cooperation. They act as think-tanks and bridge- builders between research and policy-making, and between academia, civil society, local communities and the productive sector.

Among the International Board of Governors June 2012 events in this cornerstone centennial year were dedications of new facilities, prizes for research and academic excellence, book launches celebrating Technion’s contributions to Israel and the world, and honorary awards to public figures.

Opening the week, Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie described the Technion in 2012, as it is poised to meet the challenged of the next century. Read more.

100 years of Technion history was celebrated at the 2012 Board of Governors meeting at Technion City with the festive dedication of the 234-page history book: Together: the Story of the Century on June 10th.

An exhibition of handcrafted jewelry created by Nobel Laureate Dan Shechtman was opened at Technion City. Designed for his wife, Prof. Zipora Shechtman, the exhibition showcases 15 unique pieces ranging from earrings to bracelets with a single item – an Aztec-inspired silver belt buckle – which he made for himself.

In this year’s Dr. Bob’s TechnoBrain competition, supported by Dr. Robert Shillman in memory of Neev-Ya Durban, students met the challenge to recreate the laying of Technion’s cornerstone in new and original ways. As part of Technion’s 100th anniversary since the cornerstone was laid in 1912, TechnoBrain 2012 took place on June 13, 2012 – the last day of Technion’s annual International Board of Governors meeting.

Among the International Board of Governors June events in this cornerstone centennial year are dedications of new facilities, prizes for research and academic excellence, book launches celebrating Technion’s contributions to Israel and the world, and honorary awards to public figures.

Honorary Doctors
Prof. Srulek Cederbaum, Germany
Prof. François Diederich, Switzerland
Gary Goldberg, Canada
Itzhak Nissan, Israel
Dr Eli Opper, Israel
Joan Seidel, USA
Prof. Günter Spur, Germany
Moshe Yanai, Israel
Honorary Fellows
Drora Avissar, Israel
Jeffery Cosiol, USA
Ruth E. Flinkman-Marandy, USA
Raphael Mishan, USA
Prof. Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler, Germany
Maurice Shashoua, Brazil
Senator Paul B. Steinberg, USA
The Honourable Laura Wolfson Townsley, UK

 Drora Avissar, Israel

In recognition of your outstanding contribution to the Technion over the years, first as a staff member of the Israel Technion Society, and later as the Society’s director for two decades; for initiating and directing large-scale, vital projects for the Technion; for establishing a wide-ranging and impressive network of donors and supporters; for your role in narrowing educational gaps – an area that you see as your mission; and for serving as a role model for social involvement, dedication, and ceaseless efforts.  

Jeffery Cosiol, USA

In recognition of your passion for Israel and the Technion based on your belief in the centrality of science and technology to Israel’s future; in gratitude for your support, especially for Technion graduate students; and in appreciation of your effective leadership at the local and national levels of the American Technion Society.  

Ruth Elaine Flinkman-Marandy, USA 
In acknowledgement of your devotion to Israel and to the Technion; your deep understanding of the importance of medical science to the people of Israel and the world; and your service on the local and national levels of the American Technion Society.

Raphael Mishan, USA

In sincere appreciation for your profound love of Israel and dedication to the Technion; in thanks for your support of Technion research and caring for our students; and with gratitude for your understanding of the Technion’s vital role in Israel’s future, and for being a role model for Technion alumni.

Prof. Gerd Volker Roeschenthaler,  Germany

In acknowledgement of your active leadership role in the German Technion Society; in tribute to your continuing devoted engagement as bridge-builder between Israel and Germany; and in recognition of your active volunteer efforts on behalf of the Technion as well as Jewish and Israeli causes in German society.

 Maurice Shashoua, Brazil

In recognition of your active leadership as president of the Brazilian Technion Society and your active membership of the Brazilian Jewish community; in gratitude for your longtime friendship, devotion and persistent support of the Technion; and in appreciation of your voluntary role as a good-will ambassador for the Technion and through it for the State of Israel.

Senator Paul B. Steinberg, USA

In acknowledgement of your devotion to the Technion and the State of Israel; in appreciation for your sincere commitment to Israel’s future through your support of the Technion; and in admiration for your many accomplishments on behalf of the American Jewish community and the State of Florida.

Laura Wolfson Townsley, UK
In recognition of your support for the State of Israel and the Technion in both a personal capacity and through your Chairmanship of the Wolfson Family Charitable Trust and Trusteeship of the Wolfson Family Foundation whose outstanding contributions have had a major impact on higher education and charitable institutes in Israel; in gratitude for your commitment to many worthy Jewish causes in the UK and throughout the world; and in appreciation of your work as Honorary President of the British Technion Society.

Among the International Board of Governors June events in this cornerstone centennial year are dedications of new facilities, prizes for research and academic excellence, book launches celebrating Technion’s contributions to Israel and the world, and honorary awards to public figures.

Honorary Doctors
Prof. Srulek Cederbaum, Germany
Prof. François Diederich, Switzerland
Gary Goldberg, Canada
Itzhak Nissan, Israel
Dr Eli Opper, Israel
Joan Seidel, USA
Prof. Günter Spur, Germany
Moshe Yanai, Israel
Honorary Fellows
Drora Avissar, Israel
Jeffery Cosiol, USA
Ruth E. Flinkman-Marandy, USA
Raphael Mishan, USA
Prof. Gerd-Volker Röschenthaler, Germany
Maurice Shashoua, Brazil
Senator Paul B. Steinberg, USA
The Honourable Laura Wolfson Townsley, UK

Prof. Lorenz (Srulek) Cederbaum
In recognition of your many significant contributions to molecular sciences, in particular for your contributions to the understanding of the quantum mechanical foundations of structure and dynamics of molecules, and for the discovery of the ICD (Intermolecular or Interatomic Coulombic Decay) phenomenon, which has emerged to be a highlight in chemical and physical science; and for your many years of support for and cooperation with the Technion.

Prof. François Diederich, Switzerland

In tribute to your outstanding scientific achievements and your important fundamental contributions to the fields of organic chemistry, advanced materials and chemical biology; in recognition of your outstanding leadership in the international scientific community; and in gratitude for your friendship and support of the scientific community in Israel and the Technion in particular.

Gary Goldberg, Canada

In recognition of your selfless commitment to social and communal responsibility, your charitable pursuits for the benefit of your community, and in particular your efforts on behalf of the Technion and the State of Israel; in gratitude for the transformative influence that you have had on the Canadian Technion Society; and the effective visionary leadership you have demonstrated.

Itzhak Nissan, Israel

For your contribution to the security of Israel in your many roles in the defense industries; for your contribution to the Israel Aerospace Industries, which you have helped lead to unprecedented achievements, making it a leader in aviation, space, electronics, science and security; and for your role in establishing a fruitful collaboration between Technion and Israel Aerospace Industries, which serves as a model of cooperation between industry and academia.

For your contributions to the promotion of research and development in the State of Israel in your capacity as chief scientist of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labor and chairman of EUREKA, the leading industrial R&D program in Europe; for your part in laying the foundations for the development of advanced technologies in general, and the advancement of the State of Israel and the Technion in the field of nanotechnology in particular, efforts that resulted in the establishment of six research centers, including the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute at Technion; and for your leadership and vision – a role model for Technion alumni. 

Joan Seidel, USA

With admiration and gratitude for your many years of devoted and skillful leadership at the helm of the American Technion Society; in tribute to your inspiring and infectious enthusiasm, which helps expand our circle of supporters; and in appreciation for the valuable professional expertise you bring to your involvement.

Prof. Gunter Spur, Germany  

In recognition of your outstanding scientific achievements through significant contributions to manufacturing systems and processes, and machine tools technology; for educating generations of leaders in mechanical engineering; for your continuous and dedicated support of the Technion and promotion of its cooperation with German universities; and for your unveiling the contributions of Jewish scientists in Berlin prior to World War II.

Moshe Yanai, Israel 

In recognition of your pioneering technological leadership in revolutionizing computer storage systems and advancing this industry, both globally and in Israel; in tribute to your being an iconic “high-tech sabra” and an inspiring role model for Technion students and alumni; and in gratitude for your friendship and support of the Technion and your unique contribution to the quality of teaching by establishing the Yanai Awards for Excellence in Education.

Danny Yamin with Technion President Peretz Lavie.
Microsoft CEO Appointed to Leading Technion Position

Danny Yamin, head of Microsoft Israel,
is new chairman of the Technion Council, succeeding Yoram Alster

Danny Yamin, CEO of Microsoft Israel, has been appointed chairman of the Technion Council.
He replaces Yoram Alster, who served in this position for nine years.

The Council serves as the guiding and deciding authority with regard to Technion matters, between meetings of the Board of Governors, which the highest authority of the Technion. Among its powers are supervision of administrative and financial matters, enactment of regulations and appointments, awarding of honorary degrees, and more.

Danny Yamin, who is a Technion graduate, has been serving as CEO of Microsoft Israel since 2004. In recent years he has also held various positions in the Technion, including member of the Council and Chairman of the Technion alumni’s ‘100 Club’.

Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie: “Danny Yamin’s vast management experience in a global organization is essential at a time when the Technion itself is treading deeper into the global arena. The establishment of the Technion and Cornell research campus in New York is one type of the challenges we will be contending with in the coming years, as is the advancement of the Technion in Israel. I am looking forward to working with Danny in his new role, and believe that his vast experience will ccontribute greatly to the way we contend with the new local and global challenges”.

Danny Yamin: “I am pleased to expand my activity in the Technion, an institute which plays a major role in the State of Israel. The relationship between industry and academia is essential to both sides, and it is my hope that together with Technion President Peretz Lavie, the Technion’s management and its Council members, we will continue to realize the Technion’s great potential in Israel and worldwide”.

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New York City Mayor Bloomberg’s special message (HTIA).

In a message to The High Tech Industry Association (HTIA) 2012 Annual conference on Sept. 11, 2012 Bloomberg included a direct address to Technion, a partner in establishing the Technion Cornell Institute of Innovation on Roosevelt Island in New York City.

The HTIA conference is an important Technology conference and event that takes place in Israel every year.The association brings together Israeli start-ups, venture capital firms, entrepreneurs, large Israeli technology companies and multi-national companies.

This year, the conference joined forces with the Technion which is celebrating its cornerstone centennial, and honored the outstanding contribution of the Technion to the high-tech industry worldwide. Israel is the second largest innovative technology hub after Silicon Valley, with over 4000 startups, about 300 multinational companies with R&D centers, and a venture capital market investing over US$ 2.0 Billion per year in technology companies.

The HTIA’s goal is to develop and enhance a highly innovative competitive global technology industry, by merging both technology and business innovation. The annual conference is the highlight of the association’s activity throughout the year. With over 3,500 participants each year, this annual event has become the largest conference of its kind in Israel.


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Three olympic bronze medals for Technion student.

Inbal Pezaro, a 2nd-year undergraduate student in the Schulich Faculty of Chemistry, won three Paralympics Bronzes in the 2012 London games. Paralyzed at birth in her lower limbs, Pezaro competes in the women’s freestyle events. She came third in the 50 m, 100 m, and 200 m finals. Pezaro has been swimming since the age of five, and already won three silver medals in Beijing in 2008 and a silver and bronze in the 2004 Athens games.