Join the Technion family on April 11th, 2012, in a shared contemplation on human unity for the sake of the development and advancement of people everywhere through knowledge, discovery and innovation.

The Rock. April 11th, 1912

File:Advocating Hebrew (Technion).jpg
A flyer courageously advocates the use of revived Hebrew as a language of instruction for the Technion.

In October 1909, Prussian architect Alexander Baerwald was asked to come up with a first plan for the new building. This architect – who used to play cello in a string quarter with Albert Einstein – was inspired by the idea of blending European form with Eastern elements. His oustanding design was approved by the Kuratorium, and in August 1910, Baerwald was awarded the assignment to draw up the detailed plans and supervise the execution. Aside from the stone, most of the other building material came from abroad. The lime was from France, the cement from Germany. Plumbing installations and various fixtures also came from Europe and to this day, visitors at the historic building can read the German manufacturers’ inscriptions on floor plates and elsewhere in the building. Digging of the well also created problems. First attempts could only reach 40 meters, at which point work was suspended due to a lack of skilled labor. A special permit to import the required dynamite was acquired, but it was only when a foreign expert was brought in that work on the well could finally be resumed and water was finally struck at 93 meters. The well was deepened to a 100 meters. The existence of a water source on the upper slopes of Mount Carmel would transform Haifa, becoming an elemental center for the sustenance of life for the following decades and for three invading armies. The well and its water would also become a vital source of income for the young, impoverished Technikum.

In the year of the sinking of the Titanic, and a rare, total solar eclipse, the cornerstone of the new Technikum was finally laid. On April 11, 1912, 36 years before Israel declared independence, under the auspices of the occupying Ottoman Empire the local Jewish community turned out in full to witness the first physical implementation of a dream that lasted for decades.

The Tale of the Century

The extent to which technology determines history and the creation and destiny of nations is a question of historical scholarship, with the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology cited as a striking example. Initiated with the help of increasing Jewish unity made possible by the new communication technologies of the Second Industrial Revolution, the Technion was born 36 years before Israel declared independence. In that time it educated the engineers and brought the expertise to literally lay the infrastructure for a modern state. This included the fundamental infrastructure of electricity, water supplies and roads.

Throughout the century – since the laying of the first cornerstone in 1912 – Technion has had a historic task in anticipating future needs in order to ensure the survival and growth of the State of Israel. According to a leading British journalist, the Technion story is exemplary for other groups caught in the seemingly impossible task of creating an independent nation: “For more than two decades before the state was created, Technion (Israel Institute of Technology) helped to lay the foundations of the modern state of Israel. The identity of the country as a player in the field of science and technology can be traced to the vision of Technion.”
Technion would grow rapidly, becoming a global pioneer in biotechnology, satellite research, computer science, nanotechnology and energy. In 2004, Technion professors won Israel’s first Nobel Prizes in science. In 2011, Distinguished Prof. Dan Shechtman became Technion’s third Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, for his discovery of quasicrystals, or Shechtmanite. As it celebrates its cornerstone centennial in 2012, Technion City is a thriving world center of research and teaching, with 12,850 students and 80 graduate programs. In 2011, Technion partnered with Cornell University to submit a winning proposal to New York City to set up the Technion Cornell Institute of Innovation (TCII) on Roosevelt Island.

A Moment in history: Nobel Laureate 2011 Dan Shechtman
notates his observation of Quasicrystals in 1983.

 First Plans

From the outset, The Zionist movement had a vision of the creation of a Jewish University in the historic land of Israel. Jews were often barred from technical or scientific training, and without these skills and a grounded education in engineering, the Zionist vision of creating a nation would remain just a dream.
In 1902, Theodor Herzl envisioned Haifa as “a great park….with an overhead electrical train…. a city of magnificent homes and public institutions all made possible by applied science, engineering and technology.” (Altneuland) Herzl infused political Zionism with a new and practical urgency. By the fifth Zionist congress in 1901, the pressure was on to found a number of cultural institutions and a resolution was adopted for a “fundamental survey of the question of founding a Jewish university.”

A group of three young men in their twenties: Martin Buber of Vienna, student of philosophy and Zionist; Berthold Feiwel of Berlin – political writer and editor and Chaim Weizmann – formed a caucus emphasizing the need for a Jewish university with a first objective of education in technology. They produced a document pointing out the difficulties of Jewish youth who sought admission to universities where they lived. The lack of opportunities for technical studies, they wrote, was much more serious for Jewish students than in other studies. The problem was “eminiently economic and social”. It meant that in Russia, the Jews were practically excluded from technical professions with the result that they were pushed into commercial occupations.

The plan was to set up a preparatory Technikum, in part to train students for the university and in part to serve as an independent institution for the training of young people in technical, agricultural and similar professions. Graduates would be the basis for establishing and maintaining a Jewish industry.
In 1903, 60,000 Jews of Palestine had just held elections for the first national democratic assembly, the grandfather of the present Knesset (Israel’s parliament). It was called the Knessiah Rishonah (1st assembly). This gathering was special as a first grass-roots attempt to set up the structures of Jewish self government. Zionist leader Dr. Menahem Ussishkin used the occasion to deliver a keynote address in which he expressed the urgency for an institution of higher education in Palestine. The convention supported a resolution for the establishment of a polytechnical institute in Palestine and the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (at least on paper) was born.

Paul Nathan of the Hilfsverein der Deutschen Juden (“Relief Organization of German Jews”), played a central role in bringing together diverse Jewish groups under the Technikum umbrella, and in raising resources.

Technion Centennial Stamp… already circling the world.

First Funds

Founder Jacob Schiff was determined to ensure that the Technion would maintain its independence.
The late Russian tea merchant Kalonymous Zeev Wissotzky had left a large fund in his will from which allocations were to be made to public institutions twice a decade. Among the executors was Ahad Ha-Am, the distinguished Zionist philosopher. Ahad Ha-Am was able to recruit Wissotsky’s son David to the Technikum plan, and a first contribution of 100,000 rubles was made. In 1908, the American philanthropist Jacob Schiff was visiting the “holy land”. Schiff was affected by the poverty and destitution he found among many of the Jews of Palestine and was inspired by the idea of an institution that would provide technical training.

Back in Europe, interest in the new Technikum was kept high. In 1909 Dr. Chaim Weizmann, who would later become President of the State of Israel, reported to a Zionist conference in Manchester that things were going well with the “National Polytecnikum”. Wealthy Jews from many lands were already promising generous support.

Choice of Haifa

A campaign was mounted by the Jewish community in Jerusalem to host the Technikum, and a special committee was set up to put forward a strong, Jerusalem case. The case for Haifa proved stronger, and in the end won the day:

Haifa was destined to be the city of the future… a great port center of industry and shipping. With the building of the Hedjaz railroad, it would be linked to Damascus and Baghdad and would become an important crossroads for land transport as well.

The local Jewish community was not yet rigid in its organization and character, unlike Jerusalem, the center of Orthodoxy; or Jaffa, which was a hotbed of Jewish nationalism. The neutrality of Haifa would minimalize conflicts, they argued.

The local Jewish community was small, and its influence hardly felt in the city. The Technikum would give impetus to the expansion and growth of the Jewish population in the North.

Source: Wikipedia.

“The Technion is confident that its experience in building the Israeli high-tech sector will serve it well in New York City. “

TCII Director Prof. Craig Gotsman.

In February of 2012, NYC Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg announced Technion Prof. Craig Gotsman will serve as founding director of the Technion-Cornell  Innovation Institute. Mayor 
Bloomberg made the announcement at the headquarters of Tumblr, one of the City’s fastest-growing technology companies, was joined by Tumblr CEO David Karp, Dean Huttenlocher, Cathy Dove, New York City Economic President Seth Pinsky, Chief Digital Officer Rachel Sterne, Office of Media & Entertainment Commissioner Katherine Oliver and representatives from Facebook, Foursquare, Twitter, Bitly and YouTube.

“New York City is quickly becoming the center of the digital universe, and today’s announcements will help us get there,” said Mayor Bloomberg. “With this fantastic leadership team in place, the tech campus will help us attract and develop more talent to energize our growing tech sector. And our social media platforms will give New Yorkers the information they need on the channels they want to use.”

“The addition of Prof. Craig Gotsman as Director of the campus’s Technion-Cornell  Innovation Institute brings added luster to this impressive team. Cornell, Technion and the city are very lucky to have such talented people leading our exciting new campus.”

The TCII will confer dual Cornell/Technion Masters of Applied Sciences degrees, based on a curriculum with a unique emphasis on the application of sciences, entrepreneurship and management.

“Cornell and the Technion have outlined ambitious plans for a world-class applied sciences campus in the heart of New York City, and executing on those plans will require outstanding academic leaders like Daniel Huttenlocher, Cathy Dove and Craig Gotsman,” Deputy Mayor Steel said. “Congratulations to Presidents Skorton and Lavie and the entire Cornell and Technion communities on the selection of the NYC Tech leadership team.”

“With the selection of Cornell and the Technion, we were fortunate to find the perfect partners – two world-class institutions which together shared our vision of how to change the City’s economy forever,” said New York City Economic Development Corporation President Pinsky. “To fulfill this bold vision will require strong leadership, and there are no leaders better equipped for this challenge than Dan Huttenlocher, Cathy Dove and Craig Gotsman. With this team at the helm, the NYCTech campus will soon begin creating the new technologies and businesses that will ensure our place as the undisputed world capital of innovation.”

“We welcome the appointments of Professor Dan Huttenlocher and Cathy Dove, to which we add that of Technion Professor Craig Gotsman as Founding Director of the Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute,” said Peretz Lavie, President of the Technion. “We have complete faith that this team can and will efficiently and professionally promote the ambitious program we have planned for New York City.”

“The Technion-Cornell Innovation Institute will be dedicated to fulfilling Mayor Bloomberg’s far-reaching vision for the future of New York City as the high-tech capital of the world. The TCII will become a fertile breeding ground for engineers, innovators and entrepreneurs who will contribute to the city’s tech ecosystem, even before they graduate. The Technion is confident that its experience in building the Israeli high-tech sector will serve it well in New York City. Having a local partner as distinguished as Cornell University, can only guarantee a runaway success,” said Prof. Gotsman.

Prof. Gotsman joined the Technion in 1992. As Associate Dean for External Relations, he founded and led the Computer Science faculty’s Industrial Affiliates Program, a successful platform for promoting academic-industrial cooperation. In this capacity he conceived and developed an “Industrial Project” course, which allows students to perform software projects offered and supervised by industrial experts; and the “Lapidim” study program, which identifies and nurtures the next generation of high-tech leaders. He has founded and ran two start-up companies, one based on technology he developed at the Technion, and has consulted for numerous Fortune 100 companies. Prof. Gotsman holds a PhD in Computer Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, was a visiting professor at Harvard University and ETH Zurich, and a research scientist at MIT. He has published more than 150 papers in the professional literature and has been awarded five U.S. patents.


Dr. Yossi Vardi is one of Israel’s first high-tech entrepreneurs. For over 40 years he has founded and helped to build over 60 high-tech companies in a variety of fields, among them software, energy, Internet, mobile, electro-optics and water technology. He studied at the Technion in Haifa, graduating with a B. Sc. in industrial management engineering. He went on to earn an M. Sc in Operations Research and a D. Sc. (his thesis received the Kennedy-Leigh Award). Vardi began his entrepreneurial career in 1969, at the age of 26, as co-founder and first CEO of ATL-Advanced Technology Ltd.), one of the first software houses in Israel (later sold to Tadiran and then absorbed into Ness Technologies).[2] In 1970, he was appointed Director General of the Ministry of Development . He served as chairman of Israel Chemicals of Mifaley Tovala, of Harsit and Hol Zach, and a member of the board of Israel Electric Corporation, Dead Sea Works, Dead Sea Bromine, Dead Sea Periclase, Haifa Chemicals, Chemicals and Phosphates, and others. He also chaired the Oil Explorations Concessions Council and Fertilizers Development Council. He was sent to the U.S. to serve as the Director of the Investment Authority in North America, and Consul For Economic Affairs of the State of Israel in New York. In that capacity he took part in the creation of the Israel-U.S. Binational Industrial Research and Development Foundation (BIRD-F). He acted as an advisor to the Israeli mission to the U.N.
On March 20, 2012 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made a visit to Technion. He met with Technion researchers, Alon Wolf, Havatzelet Bianco-Peled and Moshe Shoham to learn about new start-ups inspired by Technion bio-medical research. He had a look down the Titan transmission electron microscope in the Russell Berrie Nanotechnology Institute and visited the clean rooms in the Sara and Moshe Zisapel Nanoelectronics Center. Deeply impressed by his visit Netanyahu suggested that people “invest money in the Technion”. Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie presented Netanyahu with a framed Israel Post Souvenir Leaf and special stamp created for Technion’s Cornerstone Centennial year.

Picture: Pneumedicare website.

Technion Researchers and Carmel Develop the Only Device of its Kind to Monitor Respiratory Problems in Premature Babies. The novel device monitors the breathing of a premature baby. It can immediately detect and identify problems before the onset of distress that could damage vital body organs

Technion researchers have developed the only device of its kind to monitor respiratory problems in premature babies. The device is miniature, noninvasive, easy to operate and can detect the a respiratory problem before the onset of distress. The leading professional journal in this field, Intensive Care Medicine, selected the Technion researchers’ paper as “Paper of the Month”.

The researchers, Dr. Danny Waisman of the Technion’s Rappaport Faculty of Medicine and Carmel Medical Center and Prof. Amir Landesberg of the Technion’s Department of Biomedical Engineering say that the device, called “Pneumonitor”, continuously and systematically monitors the dynamics of premature babies’ breathing.

“We simulated common conditions in premature babies in the neonatal intensive care unit, including asthma and respiratory tract disorders, and compared the operation of our device to that of  other devices”, say researchers. “We also tried the device in 63 cases in the Carmel, Bnai Zion and Rambam Medical Centers. The device is now ready for FDA review”.

45% of all complications in premature babies go undetected by devices in place in the intensive care units, and are detected only by staff. Even when the devices do detect a problem – it is usually already in the late stages, after blood oxygen declines and the event becomes dramatic, and it still remains for the doctor to identify the cause of the event.

The device has three sensors that are attached to the premature baby on both sides of the chest and epigastric area. When respiratory deterioration is detected the device beeps, alerting a significant amount of time before the onset of distress, and provides information that assists in diagnosing the problem and selecting the correct treatment. The motion sensors quantify the breathing effort and the symmetry of lung ventilation. The device displays data on the respiratory condition, locates the problem and indicates changes in the ventilation level.

10% of all births worldwide are preterm, and an additional 10% are full term babies who suffer complications. 15% of all premature babies born under 1.5 kg die and 15% more suffer from mental retardation, motor paralysis or blindness. That is why the early identification of respiratory distress in premature babies is so important.

400 thousand premature babies are born in the United States every year, and 30 thousand of these devices are needed in the premature babies’ wards alone.

The Technion has registered a patent for the device and has set up a company called “Pneumedicare“, that is located in Yokne’am and is managed by Dr. Carmit Levy, who has a Ph.D. from the Technion’s Department of Biomedical Engineering.

Film promo for the book “Technion Nation — Technion’s Contribution to Israel and the World.” Prof. Shlomo Maital takes you on a short journey through the book, written by Professors Amnon Frenkel and Maital, with Ms. Ilana DeBare that tells the story of how Technion’s graduates drove Israel’s transformation from an economy of Jaffa oranges to semiconductors, and of how Technion scientists have given the world new forms of matter, life-saving discoveries and countless innovations that enrich lives of people everywhere, winning Nobel Prizes along the way.

Data published by the Samuel Neaman Institute.

National researchers have found that investment in human capital, in Technion undergraduate science and engineering students – has generated exceptionally high (and risk free) social rates of return.

Investment in human capital at Technion generates a 76‐197% social rate of return, at least, or in absolute terms, some $35‐$60 billion for 50 graduating classes.

The annual output of Technion graduates in high‐tech industries and computer services, communications and Research & Development is estimated at a minimum of $21 billion.

The median income of Technion graduates is NIS 20‐25,000 (gross income) per month, and is substantially higher than both the average wage in the economy and than the average wage of those with higher education.

The cost of the 2010 undergraduate class was approximately $1 billion (for four years of education). The social return to Israel’s economy is estimated at between $1.76 and $2.97 billion.

These calculations show that public investment in Technion science and engineering education is highly profitable, with higher rates of return that almost any other conceivable risk‐free investment.

An overall estimate of Technion graduates’ GDP contribution to the Israeli economy, shows an annual output of Technion graduates in high‐tech industries and computer services, communications and Research & Development at an estimated  $21 b., or some 20 per cent of the total annual output of these industries.

Technion engineers contribute to generating some 78,000 jobs that support high‐tech industries, jobs that pay relatively high wages.

Technion graduates’ contributions also find expression in the taxes they pay, some NIS 16.6 b. or about $4.4 b., in direct and indirect taxes, or some 13 per cent of the state revenue from direct and indirect taxes.

Findings in this research project show the unique contribution of Technion, through its graduates, to creation of human capital over a century of its operations.

Technion graduates participate in every facet of Israel’s economy, technology, education and management, especially in its high‐tech growth‐leading sectors.

Other findings in the research, based on a Web‐based survey of some 4,000 Technion graduates, indicate major contributions of individual Technion graduates to Israel and the world.

  • Some 67,000 persons have graduated from Technion since its first graduating class, and some 90,000 degrees have been awarded. Of Israel’s 125 top business leaders, according to Dun & Bradstreet, 41 (one‐third) are Technion graduates. Of these, 28 head publicly‐listed firms, and 13 lead private companies.
  • Technion graduates lead Israel’s 11 top exporters which account for $19.5 b. in exports out of a total of some $45 b., and employ 80,000 workers.
  • Entrepreneurship:  of the 298 NASDAQ‐listed companies listed with “non‐American origins”,  fully 121 (41 per cent) are Israeli.  Of those, half (59) are led by Technion graduates and/or were founded by Technion graduates.  These Technion‐originating startup companies had a market value of $28.4 b. (as of Nov. 2010).

Technion Inventions 

Among the widely‐used inventions or breakthroughs originating with Technion Faculty and/or Technion graduates:

  • Memory sticks (Dov Moran, M‐systems);
  • Ziv‐Lempel data compression algorithm (used in pdf);
  • Rasagiline (Azilect), for treating early‐stage Parkinson’s, developed by Moussa Youdim;
  • Instant messaging (Yossi Vardi, father3 of ICQ inventor Arik Vardi, was a key founder of Mirabilus);
  • Better Place electric cars (Shai Agassi);
  • Ubiquitin, the protein that causes cells to die, showing potential for new cancer treatments, discovered by Technion Nobel Laureates Ciechanover and  Hershko;
  • Shechtmanite (quasi‐crystalline matter, once thought impossible, discovered by Dan Shechtman);
  • NaNose’ that sniffs cancer (Hossam Haick);
  • Non‐invasive destruction of tumors by ultrasound (Insightec, led by Technion graduate Yoav Medan);
  • Cardiac imaging through PC‐based ultrasound (Alex Silberklang, who headed GE Ultrasound, based in Israel, for a decade), and a great many more.

Industry and Startups 

Based on a web survey of graduates:

  • Out of 59,100 Technion graduates (who are currently of work age), one‐fourth (24 per cent) are either CEO’s or VP’s.  In addition, another 41 per cent fill management positions.
  • 10,882 Technion graduates, or 18.4 per cent of all graduates, work currently, or worked at one time, in startup companies.
  • Some 13,500 Technion graduates, nearly one‐fourth of all graduates, at one time initiated a business. Some 15 per cent of Technion’s female graduates also launched businesses at one time.
  • Of all Technion graduates, 35 per cent work in industry, and 12 per cent work in R&D; thus nearly half of all graduates are employed in jobs that either directly produce goods and services or help design and create them Of all Technion graduates employed in industry, 75 per cent are employed in high‐tech industries.

Technion’s Contribution to the Israeli Economy through its Graduates, By    Amnon
Frenkel and Shlomo Maital.  S. Neaman Institute Working Paper, January 2012.  

To order a copy of Technion Nation, click here.

T3 – Technion office for Technology Transfer
Technion Students Hack OSPF, the Most Popular Routing Protocol on the Internet.

The attack was part of a student project in the Computer Science Department and has attracted substantial interest in two scientific conferences; the students will be awarded the Technion Amdocs Prize.

Alex Kirshon and Dima Gonikman, students in the Technion Computer Science Department, showed how to hack the OSPF routing protocol, the most common protocol on the internet. The attack was part of a student project in the Laboratory of Computer Communication and Networking. It attracted substantial interest in the two scientific conferences it was presented where it was presented. Alex and Dima, supervised by Dr. Gabi Nakibly and Itai Dabran, will be awarded the Technion Amdocs Prize for Best Project in Computer Science.

Hundreds of thousands of routers work on the internet, linking the different networks. Each router is supposed to “know” all the other routers and to “talk” to them (to obtain information about their neighbors and about networks connected to them). The incessant involvement of the routers in the transmission of this information encumbers them and diminishes their effectiveness. Hence, the internet is in fact split into autonomic systems that “talk” to each other. The routers in each such system “know” each another.

The most popular protocol for the transmission of information between routers in autonomic systems is OSPF. If it malfunctions, many messages will not reach their destination. Moreover, there is concern that these messages will reach the attacker of the protocol. Accordingly, stringent security measures are in place for the protocols of network routers.

One of the important defenses is called “fight-back”. When it is implemented – when a router recognizes that another router has sent data in its name – it immediately issues a correction.

With help from their supervisors, Alex Kirshon and Dima Gonikman “targeted” this correction. They triggered a fight-back from a router on the network, but immediately before it was sent, they sent a fight-back with false data that was received by some of the other routers. When these routers received the fight-back of the compromised router, they rejected it.

The “attacking” students also identified in advance which fight-back the attacked router will send, so that the other routers received it “without doubts or questions”.  From the moment they received the “fake” fight-back,  routers on the network have incorrect routing tables.

Such an attack can disrupt the entire operation of the autonomic system, prevent messages from reaching their destination and unnecessarily create substantial traffic on the network.

Hacker Inside Logo
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Handing you the Future ~
1912-2012: the Technion Centennial Stamp features
one application of the innovative nano fibers.
Featured on the Technion 2012 Cornerstone Centennial Stamp, the nanofibers behind the dynamic new start-up NanoSpun signify many of the secrets of Technion’s success in conceptualizing, shaping and nurturing Israel as the high-tech global success of the third millennium.

Why would Cornell University and New York City invite Technion to set up a new campus on Roosevelt Island, in order to boost economic growth through innovation and entrepreneurship? Throughout the world, news headlines have cited Technion’s unique ability to produce dynamic and profitable start ups using advanced technology and skills. In 2012, one company that exemplifies the secrets of this success is the prize-winning start up NanoSpun.
Cutting-edge innovation at the frontiers of multidisciplinary science, a streamlined, in-depth approach to technology transfer from the laboratory to the marketplace, and a powerful spirit of entrepreneurship that persists through the often turbulent process of making a raw innovation commercially viable: these are the known factors behind a universities ability to succeed on a national and international scale. And another factor, whispered in the halls of the successful: people – you need good people, that work together as a team.
“Success is all about people,” says Ohad Ben Dror, founder of NanoSpun, which after two years of intense groundwork was incorporated as a company in April of 2011. “You need a strong team that can work together well and drive the company to success.”
Versatile electrospun nanofibers –
taking global industry to a new dimension.
Backed by prominent investors, the versatile, hollow nanofiber innovation first emerged from the laboratory of Technion Prof. Eyal Zussman. The nanofibers first gained world attention with a prototype – an example of just one application – in the form of a nature-based tiny parachute that can be released in the sky and can sense and transmit the presence of biological pathogens or pollutants in the air. Unique and cost-effective in their fabrication, the fibers can also be tailored for applications in cleantech, medical devices, solar energy, textiles and packaging.
At the forefront of the young company’s present agenda is to apply the nanofibers in the world of cleantech – where there is a global demand for advanced and efficient systems for water and wastewater filtration and purification.
Based in the Gutwirth Science Park in Technion City, NanoSpun has already won world acclaim. In 2011, in Padua, Italy, the race was on at the Nano/Polymer Challenge as Nano entrepreneurs from across the world presented their innovative nanotechnologies, business plans, and long term vision to an international panel of judges. NanoSpun from the Technion’s Gutwirth Science Park, won the day, with first place in the Polymer category and a prize of 300,000 euros.
2011: Ohad Ben Dror of NanoSpun collects first prize among global start ups
in the field of nanotechnology at the Nano/Polymer Challenge in Italy.
Ohad Ben Dror was enticed into the exciting venture – which is now entering its second round of funding – through the Technion’s Entrepreneur in Residence Program (EIR). “T3 understands well the challenges of the entrepreneur…” says Ben Dror, “They know how to balance the needs of the entrepreneur with the academic perception. Creating a new start-up is always challenging and T3 helped a lot in this process.”
Holding several patents, and with a dedicated team of scientists, NanoSpun offers unique electrospun hollow nanofibers that – as world industries awaken to the competitive advantage of  the nano dimension – offer a revolutionary opportunity.For more information, contact NanoSpun. 


Across the Universe – Rocket Engine Innovation

It takes energy to keep a satellite positioned in space, or to move a spacecraft to it’s destination. It also takes ASRI brainpower from Technion – Israel Institute of Technology.

Testing the Camila at ASRI’s Rocket Propulsion Lab.

When the iron curtain came down, a scientific opportunity emerged. World-class scientists were among the millions of Russians that were free to find America. Empowered by cultural diversity and open to newcomers, Technion’s Asher Space Research Institute (ASRI) seized the moment and recruited Prof. Alexander Kapulkin. Today, he is the mastermind of the world’s most efficient, fast and effective rocket engine, the CAMILA.

Downstairs at ASRI, the future of earth and space science is being born. In the new Rocket Propulsion Lab, suspended within a huge stainless steel vacuum cylinder, the hand-sized electric-propulsion hall thruster CAMILLA is undergoing tests. The lab took form through the combined skills of three immigrants from the former USSR. Kapulkin, his student from the University of Dnipropetrovsk in Ukraine Maxim Rubinovitch, and mechanical designer Dr. Vladimir Balabanov, who came to Israel 20 years ago from Omsk.CAMILA includes a revolutionary fuel-delivery design and an innovative magnetic field configuration that propels the engine faster. This innovation consumes less fuel, thus increasing engine efficiency. The impact will be less size, weight, and cost of small satellites. The new lab is set to be the only plasma process monitoring facility in Israel. CAMILA? The three scientists hope to experience her Sputnik moment within the next two years, when she will take her maiden voyage to propel her first microsatellite through space.


Patent Details:

Highly efficient spacecraft thruster – CAMILA
Ref. MAE-0877
Hall Thrusters (HTs) are used in spacecraft to generate thrust by emitting particles at high velocities. Their low propellant consumption per unit of force allows them to be used for much longer times than rocket thrusters, which are short-lived. HTs work by ionizing gas particles in an anode cavity. The newly created ions exit the cavity and are drawn towards the opposite end of an acceleration channel by a strong electric field. When particles exit the channel at high speed into space, net thrust is induced on the channel. But, HTs suffer from relatively high power requirements. This is mainly due to the fact that some ‘slow’ ions collide with the anode walls, and do not exit the anode cavity into the acceleration channel.
Our technology increases Hall Thruster efficiency by significantly reducing the number of ‘slow ions’. Two major modifications contribute to the effect – unique geometry and an additional magnetic field. The acceleration channel is shaped like a cylinder, which has a low surface-to-volume ratio. This way, ions have higher chances of escaping the channel without colliding with the anode surface. The second modification is the addition of a longitudinal magnetic field inside the anode. This field lowers the electrical potential on the central cylindrical surface in respect to that of the anode, practically drawing ions away from the anode. As a result, the phenomenon of ‘slow ion waste’ is nearly eliminated. The added magnetic field can be generated by permanent magnets, which do not require additional power to operate.
• More than 100% increase in thrust without increase in propellant consumption
• Minute design and manufacturing modifications required 
• No additional power requirements in permanent magnet implementation
Satellite and other spacecraft propulsion
Technological Keywords: Plasma, ion, thruster, hall, effect, electrons, electric, magnetic, field, xenon, gas, anode, cathode, accelerator, coil, pole, impulse
Market Keywords: space, satellite, rocket

Mathematician Prof. Daoud Bshouty has pioneered geometric function theory of one complex variable, mathematical statistics and analytic probability theory. He has also innovated a Technion vision of multicultural harmony and continuously strives to improve life at Technion City on all levels. Meet Technion’s new Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

Technion’s new Dean of Undergraduate Studies: Prof. Daoud Bshouty.

Q: As Dean of Undergraduate Studies, what is your vision for the evolution of the
Technion student body over the next 10 years?

A: The centennial of the cornerstone of the Technion; The Nobel Prize in Chemistry for research professor Dan Shechtman; and the research center with Cornell in New York City; all mark a new era in Technion history, an international recognition of Technion researchers, teachers and students. Our excellent students represent the pioneers in in human knowledge in sciences and Technology and we look forward for more. In ten years from today I expect to see our campus in Haifa serving local and international students alike, and our graduates as embassadors of the technion worldwide.

Q: How would you describe morale among Technion students in 2012?

A: The year just started and our aim is to increase students morale throughout this year.  The Technion is known to impose on its students high load of study which affects students ‘ morale. We aim at making the studies a joyful experience without compromising the standarts of studies, this by rebuilding our curricula  to be less stressful, making the Technion  a village of students, faculty and administration a harmonious environment in which each group support the other.

Q: Can you give some keywords that distinguish Technion students from other students around the globe?

A: Hard workers, ambitious in a stubborn way, always unsatisfied from their lecturers yet they wouldn’t choose another place.

Q: Could you talk a little about Technion as a multicultural and increasingly international place to study?

A: In ten years from now i wont need to talk about that, the world will. But for now, since the 1990’s our society has become more and more  multicultural, yet  we still have a long way to accept it. Haifa itself is different in that respect and so is the Technion as part of the city. The technion also hosts many international students and researchers for long periods and  that is an extra experience that we add to the experience of our students.

Q: Why is recognition of difference an important part of a successful learning environment?

A: Learning is the experience of transferring knowledge and most productive in group discussions. Recognizing the different is simply to benefit from the experiences of other traditions and cultures.