Natural Gas and Energy Engineering:
Technion Leads the WayFrom: Technion Focus.

By: Prof. Shlomo Maital

“If Moses had turned right instead of left when he led his people out of the Sinai Desert,” goes an old joke, “the Jews would have had the oil and the Arabs would have ended up with the oranges.” We can’t tell that joke any more. Two major gas fields have been discovered offshore, in the Mediterranean, named Tamar and Leviathan. The latter is said to be the biggest gas find in the world in a decade.

Leviathan means “whale” in Hebrew and indeed is a whale of a find – new estimates show Leviathan has some 16 trillion cubic feet of gas, worth (at current European market prices, one cent per cubic foot) over $160 b. The Tamar gas field has an estimated eight trillion cubic feet of gas; it is located 90 km (54 miles) offshore, three miles deep, and its gas will reach Haifa in 2013. Leviathan is 130 km (78 miles) offshore. Many experts believe that in addition to the gas, there is also offshore oil.

The question now fiercely debated, is, what should Israel do with this new, incredible windfall? Liquify it and export it? Use it for gas-based industries, like petrochemicals? But first, a more pressing dilemma exists. Where will Israel find the hundreds of petroleum and natural gas engineers needed to bring the gas to shore safely and efficiently, and then process it optimally? This is a huge, enormously difficult and extremely costly challenge. Perhaps because Moses made that wrong turn, Israeli universities do not teach petroleum engineering.

That is, until now.

At the initiative of Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie and Senior Executive Vice President Prof. Paul Feigin, Technion has moved with alacrity to launch a Master of Engineering program in Energy Engineering, with specialization in natural gas and petroleum engineering. The program is open for enrolment and formal studies will begin on December 28, 2011. For 18 months, some 25 engineers will study drilling engineering; production, transportation and storage engineering; or reservoir management, at their choice. Haifa University is an active collaborator through its Department of Marine Geosciences.

As Feigin notes, “the efficient, safe and environmentally responsible exploitation of [Israel’s] natural gas reserves is the major engineering challenge facing the State of Israel in the coming decades. The Technion, as it has done throughout its history, is taking the lead in providing the education and developing the know-how in order to meet this challenge.”

The director of the new program is Prof. Yair Ein-Eli of the Faculty of Materials Engineering. I asked him where the graduates of the program will be employed. He told me they would work for exploration companies (there may be vast additional reservoirs of oil and gas yet undiscovered), drilling groups, consulting companies, entities that process, transport and distribute the gas, and of course, for governmental ministries (Infrastructure, Finance, and Industry).

Finding top experts suitable to teach in this program was not easy. Technion found them at Technion itself, and at Haifa University, as well as at America’s University of Houston and Colorado School of Mines, and Norwegian Technological University. Both the U.S. and Norway have vast experience in exploiting oil and gas reserves.

Technion has a long history of anticipating Israel’s needs for engineering skills and with vision, supplying them. In November 1950, Prof. Sydney Goldstein, then head of the Aeronautical Research Council of Great Britain, arrived in Haifa to become dean of Technion’s fledgling Aeronautical Engineering Faculty. For a nation with barely a million people, and per capita GDP of $1,500, some thought this Faculty was folly. But 38 years later, on September 19, 1988, Israel became the eighth country in the world to launch a satellite. The effort was led by Technion-trained aeronautical engineers and students. Today space is a potential growth industry for Israel.

Technion petroleum and gas engineers will bring home the gas. Technion chemical engineers will show Israel how to best exploit this resource. And Technion graduates in management will lead the businesses that do so.

We owe Moses an apology for that tired joke. He knew precisely where he was going after all. In the end, we got the oranges – and the gas and oil as well.

Prof. Emeritus Shlomo Maital is a senior research fellow at Samuel Neaman Institute for National Policy Research, Technion. This article is based in part on Maital’s Marketplace column, Jerusalem Report, May 9, 2011.
© 2011 Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Division of Publ

Google to set up startup incubator in IsraelSearch engine giant to endorse 20 initiatives at a time by providing office space and information, Internet, consultation, financial and legal services

Blogged from Ynet.
Assaf Gilad, Calcalist
Published:11.14.11, 07:47 / Israel Business

Google is falling in line with other global companies and plans to establish a startup incubator for Israeli startup companies, scheduled to become operational next August.

Google will rent an entire floor at the Electra office tower in the heart of Tel Aviv. The initiative is scheduled to begin operating at the same time Google Israel headquarters and its R&D center move into the Electra tower as well.

The incubator will endorse 20 startups at a time which will rotate every few months. Google stresses that the technological incubator will be separate from the R&D center and operate as a community in its own right.

Google Israel will not invest in the companies in return for stock but it will assist them to procure loans and find guarantors.

Furthermore, Google will provide the startups with the utilities and infrastructure for their operations: Office space, meeting rooms, internet access, information services, tools and consultation from Google professionals, guidance from external bodies and experts as well as ancillary services such as legal, marketing and financial consultation.

The project will be headed by Amir Shavit, who is the company’s liaison with its developers in Israel, and Eyal Miller, head of business development at Google Israel.

According to head of R&D at Google Israel, Professor Yossi Matias, the incubator will welcome startups from various fields with an emphasis on open technologies, including from sectors which usually are not represented in Israel’s technology industry.

Google will establish a team that will work in cooperation with universities and colleges and most probably choose companies that can develop complementary products for Google’s products.

Recently a number of global companies have been establishing incubator-like initiatives, among them Red Hat, which announced last week it would launch a program to assist Israeli startup companies.

Other recently established initiatives include Genesis Fund’s Junction and Gil Ben Artzy’s UpWest Labs.

Microsoft also announced that it would establish together with the Technion an academic research center for the development of technological commerce technologies.

Avraham Pharmaceuticals raises $3mAvraham Pharmaceuticals has begun a Phase II clinical trials of its treatment, which combines existing drugs from Teva and Novartis.

Blogged from Globes.

13 November 11 18:47, Gali Weinreb.

Avraham Pharmaceuticals Ltd., which is developing a treatment for Alzheimer’s disease, has raised $3 million. Eli Hurvitz’s Pontifax Fund, Clal Biotechnology Industries Ltd. (TASE: CBI), Yissum Technology Transfer Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and the Technion Research and Development Foundation have participated in the financing round. Prof. Marta Weinstock-Rosin of Hebrew University, the inventor of Exelon, made by Novartis AG (NYSE:NVS; LSE: NOV; SWX: NOVZ), also participated in the round.
Avraham Pharmaceuticals announced that it has begun Phase II clinical trials of its treatment, which is a new molecule in which components from two existing drugs are combined: Teva’s Azilect used to treat Parkinson’s disease, and Novartis’s Exelon used to treat Alzheimer’s disease.
The drug was developed by Teva for over ten years, but then returned to Yissum and the Technion because of patent considerations and the project was taking such a long time. Since then, the company has been re-established, has raised $9 million, and a few changes in the patent were made making it valid for a longer period of time. Teva has proven in clinical trials that the drug is safe and that it affects the body as expected, ie. causes a rise or fall in the level of chemicals associated with Alzheimer’s in the blood. The drug has not, however, reached the trial stage in which its benefit to real patients has been examined. Avraham Pharmaceuticals now has the responsibility to prove this.
In addition to its experiments concerning Alzheimer’s disease, Avraham Pharmaceuticals will soon begin clinical trials of a drug that treats mild cognitive impairment, which is thought to precede Alzheimer’s disease.
Yissum Technology has announced that its 30% stake in Avraham Pharmaceuticals (after the latest investment) will be transferred to a new holding company that it founded in the biotech field.
Sources inform “Globes” that besides Avraham Pharmaceuticals, the holding company will include six other companies that are currently conducting clinical trials: Tiltan Pharma, VCD, Autocas Bio, Lipicure, Algen Biopharmaceuticals and Novotyr Therapeutics. The holding company is called Integra and it is currently in the midst of a private financing round. Integra will be managed by Dr. Noa Shelach, a former Weizmann Institute Yeda manager, and CBI-Weizmann Institute Campus Bio project manager.

Published by Globes [online], Israel business news – – on November 13, 2011
© Copyright of Globes Publisher Itonut (1983) Ltd. 2011


Surface CoatingsAn important area of application is the use of quasicrystals as materials for surface coatings, which benefit from the hardness of quasicrystals. The most prominent example is the use of quasicrystalline coatings in frying pans – an application famous in the quasicrystal community as it has served as a key example. Recently, quasicrystal-coated frying pans appeared on the market, and are sold by the French company Sitram under the trademark Cybernox.

Due to their particular physical and chemical properties, quasicrystalline coatings are suited for this kind of application. They are also rather cheap which makes them even more interesting for industrial applications.

Alloys Containing Quasicrystalline Nanoparticles

A different way to circumvent the brittleness of quasicrystalline bulk material while preserving some of its useful properties is the use of an Al-based alloy reinforced by precipitation of icosahedral particles in the nanometer range. Such materials, which are now commercially available in Japan, are of great technological interest as they can be strong but much lighter than other materials with comparable physical properties.

Examples of existing applications include razor blades and surgeon’s instruments, though this may have been more by chance than being an intentional application of quasicrystals. Experts predict that a similar use could soon find its way to the aviation industry.

Hydrogen Storage

A third, and maybe more speculative, application concerns the use of quasicrystals as a reversible storage medium for hydrogen. The most promising quasicrystal materials for hydrogen storage are Zr-based quasicrystals. For such systems, storage capabilities of almost two hydrogen atoms per metal atom have been reported, comparable to the storage capability of the Ti-Fe hybrides which have already been applied in non-polluting internal combustion engines. Further investigation are being carried out to reach the stage of industrial applicability.

See also: Quasicrystals and the Speed of Light.

Prof. Dan Shechtman Discusses Quasicrystal Applications 
(Oct. 2011)
“There is always something new in quasicrystals. There are so many people working on it around the world, so every month there are new developments. If you use a material for an application, then you need a special property that will be better than other materials—otherwise, why use this material? Quasi-periodic materials have certain properties which are unique, such as electrical properties, optical properties, hardness and nonstick properties. The direction of light through this material is different. Electrically, they behave in a very peculiar way depending on temperature. Some of these properties have been put to use.
The first application was nonstick coating on frying pans and cooking utensils. If you cook on quasicrystals, your omelet will not stick to it, like Teflon. But unlike Teflon, if you use a knife in the [quasicrystal] skillet, you will ruin the knife. When you have Teflon and you use a knife, you ruin the Teflon. Ruined Teflon is not healthy. I have a frying pan which is plasma-coated with quasicrystals and it works fine. It was made by a French company, Sitram. They closed the production line because they had a few problems in the reaction of the coating with salt. If people cook with a lot of salt it will etch the quasicrystalline coating. People didn’t like it, so they did not continue.
Sandvik, a company in Sweden, produces a precipitation-hardened stainless steel that has interesting properties. The steel is strengthened by small quasicrystalline particles and it does not corrode. It is an extremely strong steel. It is used for anything that touches the skin, for instance, razor blades or surgery tools. When a material deforms in such a way that it will not spring back, in most cases, the deformation is due to a process called dislocation glide. There are defects in the material that cause dislocations. If they are free to move, then it is easy to bend the material. But if something stops them, then it is more difficult and the material is harder and stronger. These little quasicrystalline particles impede the motion of dislocation in the material.
Because some of these materials have a low coefficient of friction, and they have nonstick properties and are also hard, imagine what would happen if you produce quasicrystalline powder in tiny little balls by rapid solidification process, a gas-atomizing process, then you can embed the fine powders in plastic. Because these particles are strong and can withstand friction and wear, you can make gears from this plastic and the gears will not erode because of these embedded particles. It’s like a protection from erosion. This can serve in ventilators and fans that have plastic gears. Also, the heat conductivity of some of these quasicrystals is very poor. It’s almost an insulator. So you can coat with it and it will insulate against heat transfer.
This is an important discovery, because it’s the first one found in nature, but there are no practical applications. There are many, many metals, but if you think that all the metals can be used for something useful, think again. Look at construction materials. We have steel, which is based on iron, we have aluminum alloys, magnesium alloys, titanium-based alloys, nickel-based alloys, copper alloys, and that’s about all, if I haven’t forgotten any. What do all the other metals do? What are the applications of ytterbium? What are the applications of all the other metals? So to have an application for a material is not trivial.”

The Technion Nobel Laureates

Nobel Laureate Albert Einstein used to play violin in a string quartet with historic Technion architect and faculty member Prof. Alexander Baerwald. In the recession after WW1, dreams of making the Technion a functioning reality were slim, and Einstein was invited to come visit the waiting buildings designed by his friend and to advise on the dream of opening a technical institute in Haifa. On that day, the Nobel Laureate and his wife planted two trees to mark the occasion. On his return to Berlin, Einstein would open and chair the world’s first Technion society – the initiation of an apparatus that would generate a century of progress, teaching and expansion as the decade by decade, the Technion could anticpate and meet the needs of a fledgling nation.
On the 100th anniversary of the Technion’s first cornerstone, Technion’s Prof. Dan Shechtman was awarded the Nobel Prize for Chemistry. He is today Technion’s third Nobel Laureate, joining Prof. Avraham Hershko and Aaron Ciechanover. All three of them follow the spirit of scientific integrity and excellence in pure research displayed by founding father Albert Einstein, to whom the Technion owes so much. Scroll down to absorb a little of the Technion’s Nobel legacy.




Click here to ZOOM4
Lokey Park – a garden of trees planted by
global Nobel Laureates at Technion City.

Technion 2011 Nobel Laureate Danny Shectman will be joining a list of Nobel Laureates who planted trees to celebrate their visit to Technion. The tradition was begun by Prof. Albert Einstein – Chairman of the first Technion Society, who planted two palm trees in 1923 in front of the Technion’s majestic first building in Hadar, Haifa.
1921: Albert Einstein initiates the Technion Nobel tradition.

Nobel Laureate Trees planted at Lokey Park and on Technion soil.

  • Prof. Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, UK; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2009
  • Professor Ada Yonath, Israel; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2009
  • Professor Linda B. Buck, USA; Nobel Laureate in Physiology/Medicine 2004
  • Prof. Avram Hershko, Israel; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2004
  • Prof. Aaron Ciechanover, Israel; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry 2004
  • Prof. Tim Hunt. U.K; Nobel Laureate in Medicine, 2001
  • Prof. Kurt Wüthrich, Switzerland; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 2002
  • Prof. Günter Blobel, USA; Nobel Laureate in Medicine, 1999
  • Prof. Ferid Murad, USA; Nobel Laureate in Medicine, 1998
  • Prof. Jean-Marie Lehn, France; Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, 1987
  • Prof. David Gross, USA; Nobel Laureate in Physics, 2004
  • Prof. Elie Wiesel, USA; Nobel Laureate in Peace, 1986
  • Rita Levi-Montalcini, Italy; Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, 1986
  • Albert Einstein, Germany/USA at old site; Nobel Prize in Physics, 1923

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Technion’s Nobel Laureates in Chemistry – Collect the stamp, and watch this space for a New Nobel Edition!



Technion Prof. Ehud Keinan, President of the Israel Chemical Society, had the vision to celebrate the international year of chemistry in a manner suited to the world-class position of Israel’s three Nobel Laureates in science. With determination and application, he engineered the release of official stamps celebrating the Year of Chemistry, and Israel’s Nobel Laureates.
Why our proteins must die so that we may live
Proteins are the machines that drive our bodies. They are responsible for all our activities, from the beating of our hearts, to walking, seeing, hearing, digestion, respiration and even the secretion of waste materials. Unlike useful items that surround us, like furniture and clothing, our bodies’ proteins are dynamic. They are constantly being destroyed and rebuilt, again and again. Our bodies destroy on a daily basis up to 10% of our proteins and generate new ones instead. This phenomenon raises interesting questions: why does this process occur at all, and how does it occur? Which diseases would happen if this mechanism was to fail? How can we cure such diseases? As part of the body’s quality control mechanism, proteins are destroyed after fulfilling their specific function in case they have been damaged by heat, by pollutants, by genetic mutation, or simply because they are no longer needed. Professors Aaron Ciechanover and Avram Hershko of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, and Irwin Rose of the University of California, Irvine, USA, were jointly awarded the 2004 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for discovering the mechanism that removes damaged or unnecessary proteins. These proteins are labeled for destruction by another small protein called ubiquitin, whose general structure is shown on the stamp. The structure was adopted from W. J. Cook and his coworkers, the Journal of Molecular Biology, 1987. Once tagged by this “kiss of death” the labeled proteins are removed by a biological shredding machine called the proteasome, while sparing healthy, untagged proteins. Aberrations in this protein destruction process may result in numerous sicknesses, including certain types of cancers and brain diseases. Many pharmaceutical companies are working to develop drugs to combat such diseases. One such drug to treat multiple myeloma, which is a form of blood cancer, is already used clinically.

Ehud Keinan
Professor of Chemistry
Technion – Israel Institute of Technology,
President of the Israel Chemical Society,
Editor in Chief, Israel Journal of Chemistry,
Chairman of the Chemistry Committee,
Ministry of Education
Dr. Joerg Harms of the University of Hamburg is
acknowledged for the ribosome graphics.
Technical Details:
Issue: January 2011
Design: Haimi Kivkovitch
Stamp Size: 30 mm x 40 mm
Plate nos: 823 (two phosphor bars)
824 (two phosphor bars)
Sheet of 15 stamps, Tabs: 5
Printers: Joh. Enschede, The Netherlands
Method of printing: Offset

“His discovery was extremely controversial. In the course of defending his findings, he was asked to leave his research group… However, his battle eventually forced scientists to reconsider their conception of the very nature of matter… Scientists are currently experimenting with using quasicrystals in different products such as frying pans and diesel engines.”

The Nobel Committee at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Dan Shectman in 1983, shortly after his discovery
Dan Shechtman in 2010…
still unravelling the implications.

“This is the Israeli spirit. Sometimes this leads to chaos; but free thinking encourages successful scientists. We are living here in a free society… many of us do not follow the rules, and this is part of the national character of a free-thinking people.”

In 1906, 105 years ago, Dan Shechtman’s grandparents came from Russia to Israel . His grandfather, he recalls, was one of the leaders of the Labor Movement. He set up a printing house. “It was the time of the 2ndAliyah,” Shechtman told international press in Jerusalem this week, “Ninety percent subsequently left but the ten percent who stayed made Israel into the great country it is.”

Dan Shechtman was born in Tel Aviv on January 24, 1941. “I went to a youth movement – HaShomer Hatzair. In 1959, I started my military service – it was 2.5 years then. During which, I met my future wife. Then I went to Technion to study engineering. It was the dream of my life. I thought it was the best thing a man could be. I read a book in my youth by Jules Verne, The Mysterious Island. There was a character, Cyrus Smith, who could do everything. He was an engineer, and I wanted to be like him.  

Shechtman received his BSc, MSc, and PhD from Technion in 1966, 1968, and 1972, respectively. He joined the Technion Faculty of Materials Engineering in 1975, and was made Distinguished Professor in 1998. He holds the Philip Tobias Chair in Material Sciences, and heads the Louis Edelstein Centre for Quasicrystals.  “In 1975, I was offered a position at Technion. I was made a Distinguished Professor – there are some 7 and 3 of us are Nobel laureates.”

Dan Shechtman discovered the Icosahedral Phase in 1982. It is the first structure in the field of quasi-periodic crystals, and was discovered in aluminum transition metal alloys.

He instigated the course Technological Entrepreneurship in 1986, referring to it as “my baby,” and has overseen it annually ever since.  The course is offered in the winter semester each year and comprises 14 guest lectures, some of which are inspirational talks delivered by successful Israeli entrepreneurs. Shechtman is invited to lecture worldwide about the Technological Entrepreneurship course, arousing much interest. He considers himself a missionary, “I coordinate the course with pleasure. I do it for Israel.”

“This is the Israeli spirit. Sometimes this leads to chaos; but free thinking encourages successful scientists. We are living here in a free society… many of us do not follow the rules, and this is part of the national character of a free-thinking people.”

Between 2001 and 2004, Shechtman served as chairperson of the sciences division, Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities. Now as a member, he continues to oversee the translation of the Nobel Prize scientific posters into Hebrew, and their annual distributes to schools throughout the country.

Shechtman has been voted as an outstanding lecturer by his students at the Technion for ten years consecutively. He is married and lives in Haifa. He has four children and nine grandchildren.

Shechtman with his family after the spontaneous press meeting at Technion (Oct. 5th, 2011).

Meeting at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) in 1985 just months after shaking the foundations of materials science with publication of his discovery of quasicrystals, Daniel Shechtman, winner of the 2011 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, discusses the material’s surprising atomic structure with collaborators.  From left to right are Shechtman; Frank Biancaniello, NIST; Denis Gratias, National Science Research Center, France;  John Cahn, NIST; Leonid Bendersky, Johns Hopkins University (now at NIST); and Robert Schaefer, NIST.
Seeing is believing, or not?
Technion President Prof. Peretz Lavie with Prof. Dan Shechtman at the
Nobel Prize press conference (October 5th, 2011)

Milestones on the Path to the Nobel Prize

1st Cornerstone of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology is laid.
Shechtman is born.

Shechtman receives his Bsc from Technion.

Shechtman receives his Msc from Technion.


Shechtman receives his Phd from Technion.


Dan Shechtman discovers Shechtmanite (quasicrystals), observing the icosahedral phase in rapidly solidified aluminum transition metal alloys

Shechtman ridiculed, and his paper rejected for publication.
Shechtman’s discovery appears in Physical Review Letters.
Support follows from physicists and mathematicians. Chemist Linus Pauling continues until his death in 1994 to deny Shechtman’s discovery.
Findings presented at Australian crystallography conference and Shechtman finally begins to gain recognition


The International Award for New Materials of the American Physical Society
International Union of Crystallography amends its definition of crystals
Weizmann Science Award  
Elected member of the Israel Academy of Sciences
Elected Honorary Member of Materials Research Society of India (MRSI)
Israel Prize in Physics; Honorary Member of ISIS-Symmetry (International Society for Interdisciplinary Sciences); Honorary Member of the Israel Society for Microscopy
Wolf Prize in Physics, “for the experimental discovery of quasicrystals which inspired the exploration of a new fundamental state of matter”; Honorary Member of the Israel Crystallographic Association  
Gregori Aminoff Prize of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; Member of the American National Academy of Engineering; Honorary Member of the French Physical Society
EMET Prize for Science, Art and Culture, “for his pioneering contribution to the discovery of quasicrystals which revolutionized the understanding of solid state science”
Member of the European Academy of Sciences
Honorary Member of the Japan Institute of Metals “in recognition of his outstanding contributions in the field of metallurgy and materials science”
International Symposium: Quasicrystals – The Silver Jubilee, Tel Aviv
European Materials Research Society 25th Anniversary Award

“Matter is our World”
(Nobel Laureate in Chemistry Distinguished Prof. Dan Shechtman).

“Do not consider it proof just because it is written
in books…”
Maimonides (attributed)

“His discovery was extremely controversial. In the course of defending his findings, he was asked to leave his research group… However, his battle eventually forced scientists to reconsider their conception of the very nature of matter… Scientists are currently experimenting with using quasicrystals in different products such as frying pans and diesel engines.”

The Nobel Committee at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Dan Shectman’s discovery of Shechtmanite (Quasicrystals) on April 8th, 1982 changed our understanding of the material world forever. The breakthrough led to the a plethora of new materials and signalled the end of the scientific belief of condensed phase materials concerning symmetry restrictions. Recognition of the new form of matter required personal stamina, thorough proof and the endurance of ridicule on behalf of the scientist. 


Shechtman was the first to observe the icosahedral phase in rapidly solidified aluminum transition metal alloys, which opened the field of quasiperiodic crystals as an area of study in materials science. This new form of matter – known as quasicrystals, or Shechtmanite – introduces unique and remarkable crystallographic and physical properties, embodying a novel kind of crystalline order. 

Shechtman’s findings demonstrated a clear diffraction pattern with a fivefold symmetry. The pattern was recorded from an aluminum-manganese (Al-Mn) alloy which had been rapidly cooled after melting. Quasicrystals’ structure can be understood through the mathematical theory of tiling.

At the time, most of his colleagues ridiculed Shechtman’s discovery and his paper with Ilan Blech was rejected for publication. In November 1984, Physical Review Letters published Shechtman’s discovery in a scientific paper co-authored with three other scientists: Ilan Blech (Israel), Denis Gratias (France) and John Cahn (USA). Wider acclaim followed, mainly from physicists and mathematicians, and later from crystallographers. 

In August 1986, David R. Nelson wrote in Scientific American, “Shechtmanite quasicrystals are no mere curiosity. The study of quasicrystals has tied together two existing branches of theory: the theory of metallic glasses and the mathematical theory of aperiodic tilings. In doing so it has brought new and powerful tools to bear on the study of metallic alloys. Questions about long- and short-range icosahedral order should occupy solid-state physicists and materials scientists for some time to come.”

Today, hundreds of materials are known to exist with the structure that Dan Shechtman discovered. Every year, a number of national and international conferences are held on this subject.

Over 40 scientific books have been dedicated to Shechtmanite, or quasiperiodic crystals, and in many other books, the chapters dealing with crystallography have been updated. In wake of the discovery and its proof, the International Society of Crystallographers has changed its basic definition of a crystal, reducing it to the ability to produce a clear-cut diffraction pattern and acknowledging the possibility of the crystallographic order to be either periodic or aperiodic.

The presence of Distinguised Prof. Dan Shechtman at the Technion Department of Materials Engineering, confirms its role as an international powerhouse of scientific research into the wonders of matter..

Views: What Global Rankings Ignore – Inside Higher Ed

Consider Israel. According to data on NASDAQ’s website, Israel has more companies listed on the NASDAQ stock exchange than any other country in the world except the U.S., and major companies such as Intel, Microsoft, IBM and Google have major research and development centers in Israel. Why? If you look at the data, you see a correlation between this entrepreneurial activity and the investments in and outputs from Israel’s universities.

Israel is among a handful of nations with the highest public expenditure on educational institutions relative to GDP, and it has the highest rate of R&D investment relative to GDP in the world. It also has the highest percentage of engineers in the work force and among the highest ratio of university degrees per capita. Many of the companies listed on NASDAQ were started by graduates of Israel’s universities: Technion, Tel Aviv University, Weizmann Institute and Hebrew University of Jerusalem, to mention a few. Do international university rankings capture these economic impacts from research and postsecondary education in Israel? The answer is no. In spite of their tremendous impact and output, Israel’s universities are ranked somewhere in the 100 to 200 range.

Check out the full Opinion piece!